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CyberGhost Premium VPN

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There is an offer in March' newsletter, the MBAM Pro + CyberGhost Premium VPN. I have the MBAM Pro and I was wandering if I could purchase only the 2nd part of this offer.

Thank you.

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Hello Tasos

I'm sorry but as with most new offerings the offer only applies to new purchases not current or past purchases.

Thank you

Thank you for reply. In your opinion, is this CyberGhost Premium VPN value for money in order to purchase both softwares and use only this - anyway I use MBAM Pro.

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I'm sorry but only you can make that decision. Cost wise alone it is a savings to purchase them together and you could then use the MBAM PRO license on another computer if wanted.

Thank you again

It's a good idea, indeed. There is a second PC in my daughter's room.

Thank you very much.

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