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So, two days ago: business as usual.

Yesterday morning, SOME (not all) random programs (MP3 Rocket, PS3 Media Server, and some others) would not open.

Yesteday late-afternoon. Some file folders went missing (Age Of Empires III, all of me Media Dowload files and folders.)

No sign of Malware.

Today, MORE Folders are gone-- practically everything.

I tried a System restore point-- only one exists-- from yesterday morning. (I never deleted any old restore points, and had set the maximum amount of memory allotment.)

First, HiJackThis log came back fine. Then,I tried several antivirus software in Safe Mode (Malwarebytes, Avast, and SuperAntiSpyware) as well as many undelete programs. More files wound up missing upon restart and boot into Normal Mode.

Used the only system restore point and got back several EMPTY folders!

Now, ALL of my really important files are GONE! All backup options seem to be gone, and there is STILL no sign of Malware!!!

HELP.... please?

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Hello and :welcome:

Is this the same computer you were seeking help for => HERE <=

Looks like you are probably infected and will need to seek help from the experts as stated in your previous topic....

Please see the following pinned topic which has information on how to get help with this: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers

Thank you

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You are only making your problem worst and perhaps eventually not be able to recover any data at all, before you loose everything I would strongly suggest to get expert help, either by posting in the Malware Removal Section or contacting the help desk if you are a PRO user.

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