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  • Root Admin

Groups authorized to help with Malware Removal

These are the groups who are allowed to post advice in the Malware Removal  Forum:

  • Administrators - in charge of running the site and handling maintenance and all of the day-to-day operations.
    They can be contacted at any time by PM with issues regarding the site or Malwarebytes Products.
  • Moderators - moderates and helps the Administrators with running the site.
    They also make sure the Forum rules are followed and respond to Malware Removal .
  • Experts - experts in removing Malware and fighting the bad guys.
    They take on the Logs in the Malware Removal forum as well, and some of them are programmers who make tools used to remove Malware.
  • Trusted Advisors - those who are trained in Malware removal in the Anti-Malware community and can be trusted to provide you with safe removal of Malware.

If you are not in one of these groups, you are prohibited from posting Malware advice of any kind on the Forum; any such unauthorized posts will be deleted without response to the poster.

Please DO NOT take advice from members other than those allowed to respond to Malware Removal.
If you follow the advice of anyone other than the above groups, you do so at your OWN risk.

If you're interested in helping others with the removal of Malware, please visit one of the sites below to sign up for a training school.

The following are websites who host training facilities: United Network of Instructors and Trained Eliminators


Links to participating schools and sites

The following are websites who host training facilities. The mission of these facilities is to teach the techniques and tools needed to become malware fighters (in random order):



Edited by AdvancedSetup
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  • Root Admin

If you're not a member of one of the above groups please do not reply to other users' posts.
If you did not start the post and you're not from one of the groups above your post will be deleted.
If you're infected and need help start your own new post, do not reply in another user's post.

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