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Slow and Very Hot on Base Laptop

Mad Dog Vee

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I doubt there is anything wrong with my laptop.

It is a Lenovo 3000 c200. I have just wiped it with a factory reset. I put Avira Antivir Personal and MalwareBytes AntiMalware on and I have been trying to run Windows updates. This is where it becomes notoriously slow in downloading anything.

It also gets very hot on the base. I haven't tried to use it for anything else yet.

It was my first laptop. I was hoping to make it useful again.

Does anyone have any proposed solutions or thoughts?

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With a desktop I do NOT suggest using a can of compressed air. In a notebook it is used because it is not readily accessible to opening a chassis.

With a desktop I suggest using a long-haired soft bristle paint brush and a wand attachment to a vacuum cleaner.

You use the paint brush to gently dislodge the dust and the vacuum to suck it up. Vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters are best.

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  • 4 months later...

Maybe for a two pack at Radio Shack type store...


That was February, this is now the end of June.


If you don't change the oil in your car and properly "maintain" the vehicle it will break down.  Your computing equipment is the same in that respect.


Please do NOT ask for advice and then ignore it and then comment upon it 4 months later.

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It's an old laptop I'd like to have going - other than the comment I'm on an extremely tight budget.

I only ever stopped using it because it behaved that way.

I know everything you suggested about a desktop but as we all note above, it is much more difficult with a laptop.

I've been very busy just trying to stay alive.


And no the price for was one small compression unit.  No Radio Shacks here or anywhere near - not really heard of them.


And I don't own a vehicle for the simple reason I can't afford the cost of one and if I did I would be unable to afford the ongoing costs.


Given that machine was pulled out of a drawer when I first asked and then I couldn't find a store or afford the product, it was put back in a drawer.


Frankly David, I find your comments loaded with assumptions and find them all quite offensive.  And not for the first time.

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I'm not a diplomat.  I write the way it is and I don't sugar coat.
Innovera Compressed Gas Duster, 10oz Can  $3.39
Dust-Off - 7-Oz. Dusters (2-Pack) $9.99
If it is an old laptop, why burn it out ?
It seems logical to spend $10.00 so you don't have to spend 40 ~ 50 times that.
In short, An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure.

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