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Any issues deploying an Image with MBAM?

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Unfortunately not at this time. Each computer on the domain has to have the protection module activated with a unique code.

Are there any known issues installing MBAM as part of a base XP image before running sysprep anf capturing the image?

I would like to install and enable protection mode as part of my base install.

I ran into this from Marcin in another thread which raised the question.

Each computer on the domain has to have the protection module activated with a unique code.

Is anyone doing this currently?


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  • Root Admin

The issue would be in an image file regardless of the technology creating it.

Typically an image is created that can then be dropped onto an unlimited number of systems and most software does not have an issue with this.

MBAM would work, however you would be violating the EULA of the product. Though I'm sure that if you contact Marcin by e-mail that some other arrangements on licensing can be made.

I've been doing Corporate Back Office Support, Network Admin support now for 20 years and there are plenty of tools and methods to achieve just about any goal physically, but licensing can be an obstacle with some software.

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