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Hi Louise,

Sorry for the delay. I thought I replied to this last week.

You shouldn't be having to deal with me anymore - sorry!
0 bad sectors is good indeed!
Glad to know the file system is okay.
That popup looks like it came from the site you were on-- looks like a Flash hiccup more than anything. Does it recur?

It didn't come from that site, the AQMD.gov site. Vista is strange; this platform is strange, and I've seen that popup before - it is the standard popup for something installed on the computer - not for IE9 . . . The message says something in the Flash folder needs updating or creating, but I didn't want to do it.

Sorry to be a pain, but I accidentally installed a wrong download from Keynote, which I want to uninstall, but get the message, below. Is there something I can do in DOS to uninstall this thing as an admin? I thought I AM admin.


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Okay, I was able to uninstall it, finally, just be re-sgining on the laptop with the same login, during a session. Then I ran CCleaner, TFC - no reboot required. Then I started a defrag with Defraggler. Look at the message I saw on the screen this morning! I know, it defragged from 10PM to 4AM, at least that long,


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Now I just got a message in the system tray, that the "display driver has stopped working, and has recovered."

Should we close this topic, and I open one under, "PC?"

But first, let me just ask you. After all the [3] defrags that I did, on the 4th defrag, the analysis of Defraggler is that Fragmentation is 25% - that's alot, itsn't it? View screenshot, above. You said, my laptop would start being really fast once the fragmented part gets squashed down. What is wrong with my computer? Is it Vista?

Is it, because my brother increased RAM to 4Gigs from 2Gigs, but his test showed RAM on this laptop is only upgradeable to 3 Gigs, so now the extra gig can't be defragged?

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I can keep helping you. :)

So first and foremost, defragmentation only touches the hard drive. RAM doesn't get fragmented. 25% is a lot, but know that your drive is full of things. The more data on the drive, the less that defragmenting can do for you. You could consider getting a new hard drive, or uninstalling things you don't use.

Actually, do an analysis on the hard drive with Defraggler and post the report here. I'd like to look at it.

What graphics card does this computer have?

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I can keep helping you. :)

That's nice!
So first and foremost, defragmentation only touches the hard drive. RAM doesn't get fragmented. 25% is a lot, but know that your drive is full of things. The more data on the drive, the less that defragmenting can do for you. You could consider getting a new hard drive, or uninstalling things you don't use.
It was at 21% after the first defraggler. I'll try to run it again.
Actually, do an analysis on the hard drive with Defraggler and post the report here. I'd like to look at it.
Where does one access the report on Defraggler? Would you lead me through it?
What graphics card does this computer have?
NVIDIA GeForce 7000M/nForce 610M

Thanx! :)

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I suggest going to www.nvidia.com and getting the latest graphics card driver.

May I ask - I've never done that - will a different driver work on this laptop? The graphics on this laptop are exceptional! My friend commented the default viewer of the high res photos she shared where you could zoom in and out is amazing. The pics look different on this laptop than on her computer . . . I thought you would be impressed by the driver.

Open Defraggler then click Analyze. Take a screenshot when it finishes and post it here.

Okay. I will defrag later, when I am done with a project I am working on . . . While waiting to hear back from you, I ran a full scan last night - here are the results:

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware


Database version: v2012.09.24.03

Windows Vista Service Pack 2 x86 NTFS

Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421

Carol :: BILL [administrator]

9/24/2012 1:18:49 AM

mbam-log-2012-09-24 (01-18-49).txt

Scan type: Full scan (C:\|D:\|E:\|)

Scan options enabled: Memory | Startup | Registry | File System | Heuristics/Extra | Heuristics/Shuriken | PUP | PUM

Scan options disabled: P2P

Objects scanned: 342098

Time elapsed: 3 hour(s), 24 minute(s), 24 second(s)

Memory Processes Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)

Memory Modules Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Keys Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Values Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Data Items Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)

Folders Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)

Files Detected: 0

(No malicious items detected)


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MBAM scan looks good. :)

Keep in mind that the driver isn't what you see when you are working with photos and things. Drivers are what tell your hardware how to work "under the hood." Manufacturers release driver updates to resolve issues, introduce new functionality, and improve existing functionality.

Go to www.nvidia.com, click USA if it prompts for country, then under Drivers at the top, put your mouse over it then select "All NVIDIA Drivers." From there, use Option 2: "Automatically find drivers for my NVIDIA products."

From there, download the driver it gives you to your Desktop, then double-click it. Use the Custom option, then make sure everything is selected, including "Perform a Clean Installation." That way, the old driver is completely removed. While installing, the screen may flicker a bit. This is normal. It may revert to an odd screen resolution temporarily; this is also normal since it is removing the old driver before installing the new one.

When it completes, restart your computer and use the computer normally for a bit. Make sure you can work with your photos with no issues.

Let me know what issues remain.

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Okay you can see the report by clicking "View Files..."

Show it here.

Hi, I don't see a link or button which says, "View Files." Do you mean, the "File List" tab? Okay, now I see it.

2nd, I started a defraggler last night at 10:30PM, and it stopped ten hours later. The Microsoft defrag stopped in the middle one time, now this one stopped. But I started it again, and it may run all night. I started it at 8:30AM; it is now 7:43PM, and the thing is 17% finished, so I am on my Dad's computer.

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Okay, the defrag took some 20 hours; went from 28% to "25% Fragmentation." View attached. There are many files in the "View Files" tab. I'll leave the deFraggler live, until you tell me what to do - should I defrag them separately? If I check the files, I have the option to defrag them separately, or analyse them. What should I do?



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ON the Defraggler website, it says:

To defragment multiple files:

  1. Run the Analyze process on the drive where the folders are located by selecting the drive and then clicking the Analyze button.
  2. Click the View files button or click the File list tab.
  3. Select the check boxes next to the files you want to defragment. You can sort the file list by file name, number of fragments, size, and path by clicking the headers for the columns. Files marked as [Folder Entry] are special index files NTFS drives use to identify folders. If you are not an advanced user, you should leave these entries alone.
  4. Click the Defrag Checked button.

Does the list appear because of the "Analyze" performed before defrag?

Funny. The free space is showing, 55.8 GB after leaving Defraggler up an hour, when on completion of Defraggler is shows only, 39.5 G free space, according to the screenshot posted an hour ago - why is that?


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That last screenshot shows something very interesting.

I knew that your hard drive couldn't be fully defragged because of the low free space, but I didn't know what was taking up the free space.

Looks like these error report queue folders are what is taking up GBs upon GBs of space.

Navigate to this folder:


Delete everything in this folder.

Empty your Recycle Bin (though they may be too large to fit in your Recycle Bin; if you are prompted to just delete them, do so).


Run an analysis with Defraggler again and take a screenshot (sort by Size) so the largest sizes are displayed first.

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Thanx for that observation! Don't be mad - I started a defrag of all those files. Should I cancel the defrag, then delete the files?

You're not going to like this, but I have to confess:

The laptop, HP, won't work without the battery. I tried to take the battery out, and simply plug it into the outlet. It wouldn't turn on.

My brother, Otto, said he operates his laptop plugged in, without the battery, because fully charged all the time, the battery gets used up.

I have a Nokia phone from 2007 that has days and days of battery, because I use it only for emergency, but I let the battery run down before I try to charge it. It's been lasting forever, and my phone works when everyone else's smartphone dies.

So, I think you figured out, I leave the laptop battery in, and unplug the charge cord once a day and use the laptop until it dies, to run the battery down.

I don't have $$ to replace the battery, and it is said, once the battery is used up, it's finished. The laptop doesn't seem to run WITHOUT the battery. My laptop will be finished, if I keep it plugged in all the time.

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I stopped the defrag. BTW, running much faster! It took my breath away how fast the laptop shut down. First, I deleted everything in the Report Archives, so I deleted the wrong one, and I deleted the Report archives folder. I guess I have to create a new one. There were hidden files, and trying to access the hidden files, I deleted everything in report archives. AFter I emptied one or two reports in the ReportQueue, more files appeared. There is one that won't delete - I assume it's the report for the current use!

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That last screenshot shows something very interesting.

I knew that your hard drive couldn't be fully defragged because of the low free space, but I didn't know what was taking up the free space.

Looks like these error report queue folders are what is taking up GBs upon GBs of space.

Navigate to this folder:


Delete everything in this folder.

Will I be able to just delete the folder and create a new one? Because, I have to view the hidden files within ReportQueue in order to be able to delete. I don't know how to view the hidden files.
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