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Whats wrong with me?

Guest BlairWitch

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Guest BlairWitch

I wonder why i cant feel any joy or pleasure these days. I am tired all the time i would like to do something but i just cant bother.

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Could be Fructose Malabsorption, and unfortunately there is some controversy as to whether or not the typical hydrogen breath test actually works in diagnosing the issue. Of course, a research article published in 2009 showed that it was not a disease or a disorder, but the body's natural reaction when you ingest more fructose than glucose. Sorbitol and Xylitol tend to do the same thing to you as well, so avoid anything that is high in fructose, and avoid all "sugar free" gum.

There is also a possibility of a vitamin deficiency. B vitamins and magnesium are critical in the conversion of amino acids into neurotransmitters, and into the various chemicals in your body that give you energy.

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I have always been against any forms of self diagnosis. The correct person to see is only your family doctor -

Low Motivation ?? With Fibromyalgia & ?? Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ??

•Listening to music (which can be therapeutic on many levels)

•Making up artificial deadlines, that do not need to be kept

•Starting with the smallest/simplest task, then using the feeling of accomplishment as a springboard to the next one

•Delegate tasks, or recruit help & make it fun

•Look at tasks one at a time instead of overwhelming yourself with a long list

•Celebrate each accomplishment

•Break tasks into steps that can be accomplished in just a few minutes

•Ignore harder jobs for a while, and do something self-indulgent to improve your mood and boost your motivation for the next day

•A relaxing hot bath or shower

Rest, relax, sleep alone, no alcohol, and mostly, no sedative drugs without a doctors full check-up

I visit here, or several other forums, not just computer forums, and see that there are, and will always be, a lot of people a lot worse off than me.

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Blair..get to a physician right away!!

could be so many issues..don't play around with your health!

I agree.

While the experts here may be good at diagnosing computer health problems, it would be unwise and unsafe for anyone to attempt to do the same for a human.

Please see a qualified healthcare provider as soon as possible.

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Guest BlairWitch

Thanks for the replies and information. I have been trying to diagnose myself maybe someday i will find the answer and maybe when i am sick enough i will go to see the doctor. I am at the moment quitting xanax xr or xanor depot like it's called down here in finland... There were days when i took about six or seven mg it every morning now i am taking 2 mg and tomorrow i will see the therapeutist and my dosage will be lowered to 1,5 mg which i will then take like one month and then it will be reduced again until i dont have to take it... I dont know if i succeed in this.

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Hello, Blairwitch:

The medications you mention are very serious stuff, and reducing your use of them without expert medical assistance can be dangerous.

While I'm sure I speak for all of us members to say that we are ALL very concerned for your health and welfare, IMHO this internet computer forum is really not a suitable place to discuss such matters or to offer advice.

I appreciate your candor.

However, for your safety, I most sincerely and respectfully agree with your plan to visit your medical provider very soon, for professional assistance.

Wishing you all the best with your challenge & hoping that you feel better soon,


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