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Antivirus 2009

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My boyfriend is having some severe issues with his computer. He recently got infected with Anti-virus 2009, he cannot go to Malwarebytes' website at all. Every time he tries to, multiple other tabs are opened up in firefox to various sites including simonsearch.com et etc.

I asked him to try to follow me to a location in his registry to search for the program or any entries that appear malicious, and he is blocked from doing registry editing by 'the administrator'. He is logged on as administrator and has never had issues going to regedit before.

I also asked him to try to download the newest IE and try to access Malwarebytes' antivirus 2009 removal tool through that, and it redirects him while attempting to go to IE's website as well.

We have also killed system processes relating to AV 2009 and deleted any folders hinting to it in system32 to no avail.

I found someone posting with similar issues on another forum somewhere here on Malwarebytes and they simply had run their existing Malwarebytes' program through the command prompt. This does not work for him.

If I am posting in the wrong forum I apologize but I am new, and we are desperate. :) Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can repost elsewhere if I am in ere. Thank you!


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  • Root Admin

Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes.org

Please read and follow the instructions provided here: I'm infected - What do I do now?

Someone will be happy to assist you further with cleaning your system if required

During this scan and cleanup process you should not install any other software unless requested to do so.

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Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes.org

Please read and follow the instructions provided here: I'm infected - What do I do now?

Someone will be happy to assist you further with cleaning your system if required

During this scan and cleanup process you should not install any other software unless requested to do so.

I understand that this must be a fairly standard reply to people's posts, but you must understand that this new version of Antivirus 2009 will not allow you to download the Malwarebytes or Hijackthis programs to an infected computer as the instructions state. It redirects whoever tries to visit those sites among many other trusted antivirus removal sites.

To get around the block that Antivirus 2009 put on downloading it, I downloaded it to *my* PC which is clean saved the .exe file to my flash drive, then installed it to his PC. His system was hanging at the end of installation for a good 5 minutes, we weren't sure it was going to finish. The cleaning tool worked, though, as it has in the past for him and us. Thanks for your time and efforts. We're all set now :)


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