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Crashing on compressed folders

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I've just installed MBAM, and when I run a full scan with default options, it crashes.

It seems to get to certain folders and then get caught in an infinite loop. In Task Manager, you can see it eat more and more memory until it crashes. I've attached a screenshot.

For example, I had a folder named C:\something\test, and MBAM displays that it is scanning "C:\something\test\test\test\test\test\test\test\test\test...", even though there are no sub directories under 'test'.

If I look in Resource Monitor, I can see that MBAM is not reading anything from the disk at this point, but it keeps adding to the Objects Scanned (and will keep doing this forever until I quit, or it crashes)

It looks like the folders it is having problems with are ones I've compressed in Windows (ie right click a folder, properties->advanced->compress contents to save space)

I've run chkdsk c: /f and it found no problems.

I am using latest MBAM version as of 12/24, running Windows 7 32bit

I am also running Avast, but I disabled it when I ran MBAM.


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Greetings and welcome :)

This is a known issue with the current version of MBAM, however, it should be corrected in version 1.60 which is currently in public beta testing. If you would like to try the beta and see if it resolves the issue, you may find it here.

If you do choose to run the beta, then be sure that at the end of installation of the beta, you uncheck the option to check for updates once installation completes, and then update manually through the Update tab within the scanner GUI (it will then download and install the latest beta build).

Once that is complete, please perform your scan test (assuming you chose to test the beta) and report your results in the beta topic that I linked to above.

Thanks :)

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