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hi,my son brought over his laptop.

its really badly infected with trojans,backdoor bots and other malware.

his firewalls been hijacked & the anti v dissabled ( looks like they corrupted the data base) and the system settings changed.

i found added malware with malwarebytes pointing to zone alarm and some start up items added to zone alarm witch was malware some i coundnt remove however i did disable some malware via safe mode manualy.

his malwarebytes version is out off date and going online to update atm imo wouldnt be a good idea.

windows defender has been telling him he had one trojan and some roming app witch was defined as undesirable so hes downloaded all sorts off stuff some bad some ok anti v apps all disabled thou.

my plan off action was;

to put malwarebytes on a usb stick,can i get the latest deffs and malwarebytes on a usb? to remove as much as i can.

i also wish to remove his anti v witch is clam and his firewall witch is zone alarm however i will need the right apps to do this.

again can i download the nessecery apps to a usb to do this?

then i was going use my lan conx to download eset all in one,put hosts man,secunia psi,malwarebytes pro and set them up so things like this cant happen again,then post the nesecery logs here,

can you advise about this method?

i know theres more for sure looking at the start up menu however this laptop being wifi/windows 7 and me knowing only lan/xp i am a bit out off my knollage deapth so willy nilly removing this and that imo is a bad idea so atm ive left some stuff on there i am sure i should remove.

one real important thing how do i stop his wifi conx conecting to any ond unscere network as its set to auto conect and i am not sure how to disable this on a wifi set up can you advise?


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