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As you can see below, the flash scan is checking processes runing in memory as well as runing a Heuristics checks to look for new and unknown infections, therefore its reading files on your HD.

Scan Types explained.

An additional note, here is how the 3 scan types break down:

  • Quick Scan:
    1. Processes and files running in memory
    2. Files and folders that infections are known install themselves
    3. Registry
    4. Heuristics checks to look for new and unknown infections

    [*]Flash Scan: Note: If anything is found by a Flash Scan, then it is recommended that you also perform a Quick Scan to verify there are no additional infected items on your system

    1. Processes and files running in memory
    2. Heuristics checks to look for new and unknown infections

    [*]Full Scan:

    1. Processes and files running in memory
    2. All files and folders
    3. Registry
    4. Heuristics checks to look for new and unknown infections

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