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Missing mbamswissarmy.sys?

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I was messing around with the latest portable Driver Radar Pro from http://www.novirusthanks.org/product/driver-radar-pro/ in my old, updated Windows XP Pro. SP3 (IE7) machine.

During its monitoring, it found this while I was doing a MBAM v1.51.2.1300 (free one) quick scan on files from Windows Explorer's right click:

12/17/2011 9:26:22 AM C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\mbamswissarmy.sys 0xBA4B0000 0x00008000 Malwarebytes Corporation Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 0905DC0814D738CFF53577A59CCD81E0

I did a search on my two HDDs and did not find this file anywhere.

What's up with that? Is this normal/by design or is there something wrong with my MBAM? FYI, it looked like I installed MBAM on 9/12/2011.

Thank you in advance. :)

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