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reformat windows xp


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Hi John, and Welcome -

You will generally need your XP SP2 CD to do an effective full reinstall, or some options for a Repair install.

Then you will need to update to XP SP3 or you will not get the M/soft updates you require.

Link to SP3 Upgrade that you may need to use once you are finished with the reinstall -

The following are various lists of some of the tutorials on reinstalling your XP system.

How to perform a Clean Install by Tim Fisher

Clean Install Windows XP by Michael Stevenstech

Windows XP Clean Installation - Partitioning and Formatting using Windows XP CD. By Windows XP. MVPS

Clean Installation of Windows XP by 5 star support

Clean Install of Windows XP by Webtree

An Illustrated Step By Step Instruction for Doing a Clean XP Install by Pruitt Family

It is best for you to read at least a few of these tutorials to get some of the information required First -

Also below is a link to a XP Repair install that you may wish to read -


Thank You -

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Hi John, and Welcome -

You will generally need your XP SP2 CD to do an effective full reinstall, or some options for a Repair install.

Then you will need to update to XP SP3 or you will not get the M/soft updates you require.

Link to SP3 Upgrade that you may need to use once you are finished with the reinstall -

The following are various lists of some of the tutorials on reinstalling your XP system.

How to perform a Clean Install by Tim Fisher

Clean Install Windows XP by Michael Stevenstech

Windows XP Clean Installation - Partitioning and Formatting using Windows XP CD. By Windows XP. MVPS

Clean Installation of Windows XP by 5 star support

Clean Install of Windows XP by Webtree

An Illustrated Step By Step Instruction for Doing a Clean XP Install by Pruitt Family

It is best for you to read at least a few of these tutorials to get some of the information required First -

Also below is a link to a XP Repair install that you may wish to read -


Thank You -

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Thank You for responding. The reason I am wondering about this is, I just had an infected computer and even though everything seems to be back to normal. I am still not comfortable using the computer. I have a Dell Dimension DIM 2400 with Windows XP Home Edition. So I will follow them links.

Thanks for your responses.


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