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PUM.Hijack.Sta... Overtaking Desktop

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I am not too fleet of foot on the computer, so I apologize if this is an easy problem. Last night I was working from my laptop and, sometime after I finished, a message popped up telling me about a potential hard disk problem. Then my desktop turned black (could still see some icons) and a bunch of smaller windows popped up telling me things had failed to run. I shut down, turned back on, same problem. So I ran Malwarebytes in Safe Mode and it came back clean except for two infected registry items, both called "PUM/Hijack.Sta..." I "removed" both and then rebooted. Same problem as before (black desktop, multiple windows) only this time it just flat out shuts down my computer (blue screen, "Shutting down..."). I have no idea how to fix this, and I cannot run a HiJack This log because it keeps shutting down my PC. Help?!?! thank you so much!

I cannot imagine that this fixes the problem, but I went to System Restore in safe mode and chose early November. It has now started up and I am at desktop with no problems.

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