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Wondering - what good is Malwarebytes?


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Yes, I'm now actually losing access to file folders on my own computer while Malwarebytes logs IP blocks. It started as I explained in 'General' and was 'invited' to post elsewhere to no avail as my computer is going away from my use. I believe I was basically robbed of $24.95 and along with my computer. For example: 'Documents and Settings' is blocked - "No Access" - that's just great! This hacker is totally taking over my computer.

Thanks a lot - for what? I guess I must take the computer to a shop to get anywhere with this problem...... You folks seem to be just too busy.

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Hello, EBWTech:

Until an MBAM staffer arrives, please be aware that NO security program or anti-virus or firewall can possibly protect against every possible malware/virus threat.

There are simply too many infections out there, and they are constantly changing and there are more and more of them every day.

And I'm sure you must be frustrated, waiting for assistance from the malware experts in the malware removal sub-forum.

However, as was explained here by forum moderator Exile360 in your orginal topic, the malware removal section can be busy (especially over the weekend). Many of the helpers there are volunteers, so it can sometimes take 48 hours or more for one to become available.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one on one assistance when one becomes available.

Please note that it may take 48 hours or more for you to receive a response in the malware removal forum, as it is often busy at times.

His post also included the other option of contacting support directly via email, if you prefer.

I fully understand your impatience and frustration.

Please be patient - an expert malware helper will assist you in your topic in the malware removal section as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience and understanding,


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Yes, utter frustration watching this computer go away before my eyes..... Didn't intend to sound as harsh as the post sounds. Just bitter feelings with the whole situation. As far as I'm concerned, these hackers and the country that they appear to be most predominately from is at war with the USA. When they hack into a municipal water pumping station and destroy machinery and equipment - it is an act of war, plane and simple.

Thanks, I'll try to calm down!


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Hi EBWTech,

I'm not part of the malwarebytes staff, but be assured they will be helping you as soon as possible. Have you posted this on the "Malware Removal Section" of the forums?

If you have, and no one has helped you within 48 hours. Feel free to PM them and they will help accordingly, that's what I did and they helped me right away. But I would suggest not using the hacked computer for the meantime, perhaps even disconnecting it from the internet completely. Nevertheless, I hope you get it fixed and I will be following your posts because I find it interesting.


Somethngcreative ;)

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