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Posts posted by daledoc1

  1. Hi, Ferris:

    OK, super.

    Please be patient until one of the experts replies to you on the other board -- give it 24-48 hours, if you can.

    Oh, and FWIW, if you just use the "Add Reply" button when replying to this or any thread, it will make it easier for all of us to read.

    It's not quite obvious which of the many buttons to click, so I've added a screen shot. :)

    Hope you get your system all cleaned up!


    EDIT: Dear Mods -- SORRY for the double post. Board servers seem a bit wonky at the moment. Please delete duplicate, if you wish.

  2. This is after a virus removal with several programs.

    If you have already tried a clean reinstall of MBAM and it's still not working, you may still have traces of infection left over.

    Until one of the experts arrives, here's some info ---

    Alas, we don't work on malware removal in this particular forum, your best bet is to try this:

    Please go to this link here (pinned at the top of this forum as sticky 2): http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=69723

    Please print out and follow as many of the instructions as you can.

    Then post (start a thread) here: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showforum=7

    After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post.

    One of the experts authorized to help will then assist you.

    Alternatively, as a paying customer, you may contact support at support@malwarebytes.org, or look at other support options here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/premium-support.php

    Best regards,


  3. Hello, HelpRequired:

    Sorry that your system is infected (the malware is preventing MBAM from running, as is typical).

    Alas, we do not work on malware removal here in this particular forum.

    So, please go to this link here (pinned at the top of this forum as sticky 2): http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=69723

    Please print out and follow as many of the instructions as you can.

    Then post (start a thread) here: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showforum=7

    After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post.

    One of the experts authorized to help will then assist you.

    Alternatively, as a paying customer, you may contact support at support@malwarebytes.org, or look at other support options here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/premium-support.php

    Best regards,


  4. Hi, again:

    Although the free version is working, it would be advisable to sort out the issues with the PRO version.

    Free can be used for on-demand scans, but, as you know, it doesn't provide real-time protection that helps prevent your system from becoming infected in the first place.

    BTW, I wasn't suggesting that you disable Windows UAC -- it is there for a reason (security).

    What I suggested was running MBAM with elevated privileges by right clicking on your MBAM desktop shortcut > run as administrator, and then allowing the program to run when prompted.

    Sometimes that helps with these sorts of bugs running programs in Win7 and Vista.

    It is NOT normal for Windows to be blocking MBAM, so my advice would be to wait for one of the more expert folks to provide additional assistance.

    There is probably a fix for this.

    In the interim:

    1) Make sure your OS is fully patched -- did you say if you are running SP2? (I sure hope so, since MS support for Vista SP1 will end soon, and it is not very secure.)

    2) You might try www.vistax64.com -- it is a good Vista forum.

    3) And you didn't say -- are you running Defender + Avast + ZoneAlarm all in real-time? (If so, then this is a likely source of your inability to run MBAM PRO.)

    4) Check out the FAQ (link in my previous post and at the top of the forum) about setting up the necessary exclusions/permissions for MBAM in your AV and firewall. It's not hard, but not doing so could be another major contributor to your issue.

    5) Please take a screen shot of whatever error message you are seeing, so that the experts can see the exact wording.

    It is the weekend, so many of the mods and experts seem to be away, but I'm sure someone will be around soon to assist you further. The added protection it provides is worth the effort IMHO.

    I suggest not giving up on MBAM PRO -- I can hardly recall anyone who could not get it running properly with some expert assistance.

    If not here at the forum, then, as a paying customer, you can submit a ticket at support@malwarebytes.org, or by checking out another option here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/premium-support.php

    NOTE: please use the "add reply" button, as that will make it easier for all of us to follow the thread without reposting every message in its entirety. :)



  5. Using win defender, avast anti virus & zone alarm----disabling these makes no difference.

    Vista Home 32 bit os

    Hi, allyy48:

    Until one of the experts arrives, I just want to be sure: are you really running 3 AVs and/or FWs simultaneously (Win Defender, Avast and Zone Alarm)?

    If so, that may well be causing and/or contributing to your issue.

    Counterintuitive though it may seem, running more than 1 AV or FW actually makes your system LESS secure, not more (b/c of conflicts and crashes).

    One good, robust AV and FW is all you need -- with MBAM (which is not an AV in the strict sense) layered on these, you would be fine.

    I suspect this does relate to your problem, esp since MBAM needs full permission in the firewall and AV in order to do its job.

    This is explained here, along with instructions on how to do a clean reinstall of MBAM, if needed:


    In your case, MBAM would need exclusions/permissions in *3* separate programs, and it's likely to be very problematic.

    I suspect that one or more of your installed security products may be interfering with MBAM.

    (Especially with FWs, "disabling" them from the system tray doesn't really close all their background processes, so it's still possible that it is contributing to the issue, even though you have tried turning them off.)

    One of the experts will arrive soon, to assist you further -- you may need to uninstall & cleanup one or more of your AVs, and perhaps do a clean reinstall of MBAM.

    It is quite simple to do and should get you up and running.

    In the interim, just to check: Is your Vista OS fully patched (IOW are you running SP2 with all current updates)?

    EDIT: And one other thing: As I recall the Windows UAC in Vista is a bit wonky. Have you tried right-clicking your MBAM desktop shortcut > run as administrator, then make your changes to your settings and OK your way out? It may be that they are not sticking b/c of a privileges thing...

    Stay tuned for more help! :lol:


  6. I have WISC ver and was using the latest version of MBAM 1.50.???

    I have Windows 7 64 bit ulitimate installed, firefox and thunderbird and nothing else, this is a fresh install of Windows to try and fix this issue.


    I have a similar setup on my laptop -- WISE (not WISC), Win7(x86), FF and TB, running MBAM PRO --- all current and fully patched.

    OLD versions of Webroot products (Spysweeper & even earlier build of WISE) were NOTORIOUS for conflicts with standalone security apps.

    The current version (at least WISE - don't know about WISC) works fine with some caveats.

    http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=58262 (search the boards here for "Webroot" and "WISE" for others)

    http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=60692 (product is KIS, not WISE/WISC, but the procedures are the same)

    1) MBAM (& other security apps, such as SAS) need to be fully removed (Control Panel add/remove AND their cleanup tools and rebooting) BEFORE installing WISE/WISC.

    2) Then, fully uninstall WISC and run their removal tool TWICE (as they instruct at their website -- it removes itself when run, so you will need to re-download it to run it the 2nd time), rebooting each time. Be sure to go to their website for detailed instructions about uninstalling their products and running their removal tool -- I keep a copy printed out.

    3) Then, download a fresh copy of WISC from the Webroot site, install it, update it & reboot.

    4) Next, follow the steps outlined in posts of the above referenced threads to install MBAM. In short, you will d/l MBAM, pause WISC protection, install MBAM (but not update yet), re-enable WISC, set your FW and AV permissions for MBAM, and then update MBAM and set it up. The steps are described in more detail in the threads.

    5) Because the only glitches I had with (earlier versions of) WISE & MBAM were when MBAM protection module was configured to load at Windows startup -- program crashes and OS hangups -- I currently do NOT configure MBAM to load immediately. Instead, I wait a minute or so after booting (so that WISE can fully load, phone home, etc) before I manually start MBAM protection module.

    6) Add the WISE/WISC program folder to the MBAM ignore list, as well.

    I am working on my DT (running KIS) at the moment, so I don't have a screenshot for you.

    But, having followed this procedure twice now with the current version of WISE (I had to reinstall a lot of software ~2 months ago after a series of driver updates), I can say that it works just fine.

    In fact, even the recent MBAM version update to (which required a reboot) went fine and WISE didn't even hiccup.

    I have had ZERO crashes or conflicts.

    Unfortunately, Webroot does not have a user forum (amazing but true).

    Their live & phone support is US-based, but I have found it inconsistent -- warning: some of their support techs are overly aggressive with remote access & unpleasant to deal with.

    And their consumer products do not allow much "tweaking" or user control of AV and FW settings (akin to McAfee and their currently dumbed down products).

    So, I had to get my support for MBAM + WISE here at this OUTSTANDING forum & follow a procedure similar to what I did on my desktop running MBAM + KIS2011.

    All I can say is that, with a bit of attention to the sequence of all the steps, it all works fine.

    I can't address WISC, since I use WISE, but I think it should work for it, too. You may need to add some additional tweaks for the added WISC features, of course.



  7. EDIT: Sorry - wasn't caffeinated -- McAfee is also a bit of a resource hog. :huh:

    Sorry for the confusion -- yes, I mistakenly typed Norton initially (before morning coffee) & then realized he/she had said it was McAfee.

    So I edited my post.

    Our posts may have crossed in cyberspace.

    (That said, it was/is true that older versions of Norton were/are resource hogs. I haven't used their products for several years, but I am told the new versions are better.)

    Hopefully the OP has resolved the startup issues on his parents' system.

    (You might also want to try winpatrol to see if it helps with MCAFEE and MBAM?)

    Sorry for any misunderstanding,


  8. ^ Has nothing to do with what I mentioned, though.

    Sure it might --

    If you cannot configure your AV to run alongside MBAM without conflicts (because the AV software doesn't permit such configuration for the end user), then it well might.

    Moreover, if McAfee's resource consumption at startup is so high that it causes other programs to load/run poorly or not at all (or causes the OS to hang), then it well might.

    If you combine lack of configurability with high resource consumption, then I could easily see how McAfee could be causing a problem when MBAM tries to load (but I am not an engineer).

    My original intent was to give the OP a suggestion about how to delay MBAM protection module startup.

    Your post mentioning McAfee caught my eye, and I was just trying to provide some information based on my own experiences.

    If you do not find it helpful, then please feel free to disregard it.

    Anyway, this is really the OP's thread -- you may well be experiencing a different problem, in which case it might be advisable to start a separate thread.

    Best regards,


  9. @Conor55:

    The current McAfee consumer products have been dumbed down to the point that they can hardly be configured in any meaningful way (e.g. to allow proper function of MBAM or other third-party software, even NON-security-related).

    I had no issues with MBAM & the Dell "2009" versions of the McAfee SC that were OEM on my desktop (it is a very robust system).

    The update to the 2010 versions back in Aug 2010, however, completely hosed my system -- requiring a restoration to the factory image.

    McAfee was NO help in resolving THEIR defective software issue.

    As a result, the first thing I did after installing Windows updates was to permanently remove all traces of McAfee & install a more robust, configurable, reliable IS suite.

    It performs beautifully with MBAM PRO.

    And, I am living happily ever after.

    So, I think you can surmise what my recommendation would be....



  10. Hi, houtxlk:

    In addition to Friefox and Haider's suggestions...

    I don't know your OS, but I think that MBAM protection module doesn't actually load *immediately* at Windows startup in Vista and 7 (even when that function is enabled), in order to minimize conflicts with AVs and other processes that are loading.

    IOW, it's actually delayed a bit for just that reason.

    In XP, I don't recall if that is the case, or not.

    Also, have you checked msconfig to see if the computer has a lot of other unnecessary processes configured to load at startup that could be removed from the list to speed boot ups?

    And does the computer have enough RAM?

    EDIT: Sorry - wasn't caffeinated -- McAfee is also a bit of a resource hog. :P

    If you don't wish to edit the registry to further delay MBAM protection module startup, then you might wish to try Winpatrol: Available Here (BillP studios; there is a free version, which should be all you need). It is very user friendly.

    It has a "delayed start" option that allows one to select any programs one wishes to load after a customizable delay period upon Windows startup.

    Of course, the sooner MBAM protection module loads, the safer the system will be. :huh:



  11. I'm not sure if i use a router, I think i have kind of worked it out though, I am currently at university and the internet that is available to students is somewhat restricted, servers cannot be accessed for certain thing like playing games online and updating some software, i think this might be the reason it cannot connect to the server for an update.

    Hi, rb92:

    That may well be the case, if you are behind a firewall with a proxy server.

    When I take my laptop to my university, I need to temporarily re-set the MBAM updater settings to allow it to update (and run real-time protection) there.

    When I get back home, I turn off the proxy settings, by un-checking the "use proxy" box.

    You will need to get the info you need from the IT department in order to set it up (the server name or IP address, the port, & whether or not you need authentication), but once you have that, MBAM may well update just fine at your campus.

    It's really quite simple.

    If you are on a laptop, you would do what I do: un-check the "use proxy server" when you leave campus. If it is a desktop that stays on campus, then you would just leave it checked all the time.

    I've attached a shot of the MBAM UI from my desktop (where all the fields are blank, since this computer doesn't use the proxy settings) to show you which fields you need to populate.

    That said, some institutions (including universities) run VERY tight firewalls and prohibit access to gaming and other sites, for security reasons. But this is worth a try.



  12. @JCD:


    In addition to adding all the MBAM file exclusions in AVG, it would be a good idea to add AVG to MBAM's "Ignore List" (if you haven't already done so).

    Just open MBAM, click the "Ignore List" tab, click "Add", which will open a window to allow you to navigate to the folder location where AVG is on your hard drive; select that folder and add it to the Ignore list.

    I've attached a screenshot of what it looks like on my computer (albeit with a different AntiVirus program); the file path on your machine will be a little different, but it will probably be something like C:\Program Files\AVG.



  13. The FAQ contains examples of setting file exclusions for some known AV products

    Also added the entire AVG folder in program files to Malwarebytes ignore list just in case


    As for downloading SP2 for Windows Vista you can get it from the Microsoft site HERE

    Hi, JCD:

    FYI, Firefox gave you the links for how to add the AVG exclusions and how to get SP2.

    The BLUE, UNDERLINED words in his post ("FAQ" and "HERE") are actually hyperlinks --- if you click on them, they will take you to the appropriate web page.

    There was a lot of helpful info in his post, so you might have missed it.

    Also, please use the ADD REPLY button to reply to this thread -- it will make it much easier for everyone to read. :)

    Sounds like Firefox has you on the right track -- once you get your Vista updated, your MBAM exclusions for AVG set up, and your AVG exclusions for MBAM set up, you should be "good to go".

    Please post back and let us know how it goes,


    PS You can set up your Windows updates to install Windows patches automatically, or at least to notify you when they are available. This will help keep you up to date for Vista and less vulnerable to security threats.

  14. Under the check for updates window it says version1.50.1 Malwarebytes released-under in blue letters says click here to install latest version.

    Perhaps the OP is seeing the "latest news" section of the window and mistakenly thinking that this is a direct prompt for him/her to update, even though he/she already has? (See attached)

    IOW it may be confusing that the MBAM user still sees "...click here to install the latest version..." even when the latest version is already installed?

    (I hadn't thought of it before, but I could see where someone new to MBAM might be confused by this.)

    It sounds as though you ar "all good" now, zilly, thanks to Mainard. :)



  15. You're welcome. :blink:

    I've got to be honest about IE. I literally never use it. I use Google Chrome mainly. I really do wish I could uninstall IE completely because I feel it's kind of a waste of space having something I never click on at all anymore still be on the computer. But the way Dell/Windows XP bundles IE onto the computer--I'm not even sure if uninstalling is an option.

    Yes, I don't use it for browsing, either. :blink:

    But, some programs use it (behind the scenes) e.g. for updating themselves and other functions, etc.

    So, even if it's not your DEFAULT browser, and you don't "use" it for browsing, it's still important to keep it up to date, if only for security reasons.

    (I don't think one can -- or should -- try to uninstall IE, b/c it is so integrated into the OS.)

    I'm sure one of the actual experts will elaborate in more technical terms and/or set me straight on this, if I am incorrect.

    But, that's my understanding of it (as a gray-haired, self-taught, home user).


    EDIT: You only really need to run Quick scans with MBAM (+/- Flash Scans with updates, if you are running the PRO version). Quick scan will get to all the important places and files. Full scans are really only needed to clear out possible remnants of infections. So it's overkill to run Full scans frequently. Can't hurt from time to time, but you don't need to tie up your system with daily Full scans.


  16. EDIT: Sorry, Mainard -- your fingers were faster than mine. But the OP might still wish to update IE to 8?

    Hi and welcome:

    Until one of the experts arrives, I might ask: is there some particular reason why are you still running IE6?

    If -- in fact -- your system turns out to be infected (to which I will defer to the experts), then using such an old, insecure version of IE may creating security vulnerabilities on your system.

    This may have contributed to your having picked up a nasty beastie.

    (FWIW If they determine that you are infected, they will direct you to the correct forum and the instruction for how to proceed to get cleaned up. You will likely be asked to update your IE at some point in the process.)

    Best regards,


  17. Hello, EagleClaw29:

    Welcome to MBAM forums.

    Sorry to hear that your system is infected.

    We do not work on malware removal in this particular forum.

    Please see this article here: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=69723

    Please print out and carefully follow as many of the instructions as you can.

    Please post the logs and other information by starting a thread here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7

    After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someon has replied to your post.

    (If you are unable to complete ANY of the steps, then please post there to inform them of this.)

    One of the experts authorized to assist with malware removal will help you there.

    Alternatively, as a paying customer using the PRO version, you can contact support at support@malwarebytes.org.

    I hope you get all fixed up soon,


  18. Hello, terrypin:

    Please follow AdvancedSetup's recommendations as it is the first step in basic program troubleshooting, and it resolves many issues.

    In addition to what he suggested, also please add the Avira program folder to the "ignore list" in MBAM (see attached screen grab).

    If these steps don't resolve your issue, then the experts will be happy to assist you with additional steps to get it working properly.

    Thank you,


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