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Posts posted by daledoc1

  1. Hello and welcome, Laskeeter:

    Sorry, it appears that your original post may have been missed.

    Outbound IP blocks when you are away from the computer highly suggests the possibility of infection.

    Alas, we do not work on malware removal in this particular forum.

    Instructions on how to proceed are posted in the 2nd Important Topic pinned at the top of this forum: "I Am Infected - What Do I Do Now?".

    To summarize:

    Free, expert assistance can be found at the malware removal-HJT forum.

    Please go to this page, print out, read and follow as many instructions as you can, skipping any you are unable to complete:


    Then please post your logs by starting a new thread here:


    One of the trained experts will then assist you as soon as possible.

    When you post, please be sure to select Track This Topic & choose one of the email options, so that you will be notified when someone responds; allow 24-48 hours before bumping your thread.

    Alternatively, as a paying customer, you may wish to start a support ticket by contacting support at: support@malwarebytes.org, or by using one of the other support options here:


    Also, please use the "Add Reply" button when replying here & at the other boards, so that it will be easier for everyone to follow the thread.

    Thank you very much,


  2. You are most welcome.

    Please be sure to print out, read and follow the instructions at the first link in my original reply (which can also be found as the 2nd Important Topic at the top of this forum).

    The instructions are a bit detailed, but they are not all that complicated to carry out.

    One of the expert authorized helpers at the malware removal forum will assist you one-on-one for free to get you cleaned up.

    Good luck!


    PS The 6th Important Topic contains some very useful info on how NOT to get reinfected. :)

  3. Hello and welcome, jez oh no:

    Sorry to hear that your system is infected.

    Alas, we do not work on malware removal in this particular forum.

    Instructions on how to proceed are posted in the 2nd Important Topic pinned at the top of this forum: "I Am Infected What Do I Do Now?".

    To summarize:

    Free, expert assistance can be found at the malware removal-HJT forum.

    Please go to this page, print out, read and follow as many instructions as you can, skipping any you are unable to complete:


    Then please post your logs by starting a new thread here:


    One of the trained experts will then assist you as soon as possible.

    When you post, please be sure to select Track This Topic & choose one of the email options, so that you will be notified when someone responds; allow 24-48 hours before bumping your thread.

    Alternatively, as a paying customer, you may wish to start a support ticket by contacting support at: support@malwarebytes.org, or by using one of the other support options here:


    Also, please use the "Add Reply" button when replying here & at the other boards, so that it will be easier for everyone to follow the thread.

    Thank you very much,


    PS FYI, once you are cleaned up, you will need to update your MS Internet Explorer -- running older, insecure versions poses a security risk to your system and may have contributed to your current problem.

  4. Hello and welcome, Janet56:

    It sounds as if your system is infected.

    Alas, we do not work on malware removal in this particular forum.

    Instructions on how to proceed are posted in the 2nd Important Topic pinned at the top of this forum: "I Am Infected - What Do I Do Now?".

    To summarize:

    Free, expert assistance can be found at the malware removal-HJT forum.

    Please go to this page, print out, read and follow as many instructions as you can, skipping any you are unable to complete:


    Then please post your logs by starting a new thread here:


    One of the trained experts will then assist you as soon as possible.

    When you post, please be sure to select Track This Topic & choose one of the email options, so that you will be notified when someone responds; allow 24-48 hours before bumping your thread.

    Alternatively, as a paying customer, you may wish to start a support ticket by contacting support at: support@malwarebytes.org, or by using one of the other support options here:


    Also, please use the "Add Reply" button when replying here & at the other boards, so that it will be easier for everyone to follow the thread.

    Thank you very much,


  5. Hello and welcome, MissNaima:

    Sorry to hear that your system is infected.

    Alas, we do not work on malware removal in this particular forum.

    Free, expert assistance can be found at the malware removal-HJT forum.

    Information about how to do this can be found in the 2nd "Important Topic" article pinned at the top of this forum, entitled "I'm Infected, What Do I Do Now?".

    Please go to this page, print out, read and follow as many of the detailed instructions as you can, skipping any you are unable to complete:


    Then please post your logs by starting a new thread here:


    One of the trained experts will then assist you as soon as possible to check and clean your computer.

    When you post, please be sure to select Track This Topic & choose one of the email options, so that you will be notified when someone responds; allow 24-48 hours before bumping your thread.

    Alternatively, as a paying customer, you may wish to start a support ticket by contacting support at: support@malwarebytes.org, or by using one of the other support options here:


    Also, please use the "Add Reply" button when replying here & at the other boards, so that it will be easier for everyone to follow the thread.

    Thanks very much,


  6. Hello, nagrap 2:

    Sorry to hear that your system is infected.

    Alas, we do not work on malware removal in this particular forum.

    Free, expert assistance can be found at the malware removal-HJT forum.

    Please go to this page, print out, read and follow as many instructions as you can, skipping any steps you are unable to complete:


    Then please post your logs by starting a new thread here:


    One of the trained experts will then assist you as soon as possible.

    When you post, please be sure to select Track This Topic & choose one of the email options, so that you will be notified when someone responds; allow 24-48 hours before bumping your thread.

    Alternatively, as a paying customer, you may wish to start a support ticket by contacting support at: support@malwarebytes.org, or by using one of the other support options here:


    Also, please use the "Add Reply" button when replying here & at the other boards, so that it will be easier for everyone to follow the thread.

    Thank you,


  7. Hi, trying50:


    Sorry, I misunderstood your post.

    Here's my two-cents worth (strictly as a home user, not in any way affiliated with MBAM).

    IMHO, MBAM PRO is a much more robust program with better engineering and support, and the real-time protection module, especially IP blocking, is superb.

    SAS is good, and I use it.

    But it doesn't seem to offer much that is better than MBAM, EXCEPT that it is pretty decent at detecting tracking cookies (which are not malware per se, and not really dangerous).

    It's probably not a good idea to run both MBAM PRO *and* SAS PRO alongside your AV.

    If I were going to choose which 3rd-party anti-malware program to run with my AV for real-time protection, it would be (and currently *is* on both my rigs): MBAM.

    I use SAS Free for routine manual scans periodically (a few times a week), but it has never picked up anything besides an occasional tracking cookie.

    And it has certainly never picked up anything that either MBAM or my AV (currently Webroot or KIS) has missed.

    So, I'm sorry -- I really blew it, b/c I misunderstood your original post & didn't really answer your exact question.

    I expect one of the experts will have some more technical advice about the advisability of running MBAM PRO *and* SAS PRO.

    Apologies, :lol:


  8. Hello, trying50:

    The FREE versions of neither MBAM nor SAS offer real-time protection.

    Therefore, unless I am sorely mistaken, there is no option in either FREE program to run at startup.

    Only the PRO (paid) versions offer that option.

    Not sure about Avast, since I have never used it.

    So, I think your question is moot?

    If you were to purchase the PRO version of MBAM, it should run fine at startup with Avast, so long as you take care to set up the proper FW and AV permissions and exclusions when you install it.

    Instructions for how to do that are in the FAQ at the top of the forum here.

    (That said, it would depend to some extent as well on your system specs. It may be just as easy to manually start MBAM or SAS active protection modules after Windows and your startup programs have loaded.)



  9. Hi, normar 1949:

    OK, good! :)

    Now, just follow the same procedure for the UPDATES.

    It's essentially the same process (although some of the sub-options are different, as they relate to updating, rather than scanning).

    MBAM typically updates the definitions 4-5 times a day, so I have mine set for hourly updates and flash scans, b/c I have my system up and working nearly 24/7.

    However, if you find that too intrusive, the default settings or once daily for updates with or without a flash scan, should be fine.

    So, to change the updates schedule:

    1) Open the scheduler, highlight and then delete whatever update schedule you already have.

    2) Then click "close",

    3) Then click "scheduler" to reopen that window,

    4) Then click the "update" tab,

    5) Then make whatever changes you want to the frequency (there is a drop down menu of options), time and settings options, etc. (If you prefer times other than the default, simply highlight the time in the text box and type whatever time you prefer. For example, I do my scans daily at 5 PM, but I update hourly at X:30, so that MBAM doesn't try to scan and update at the same time.)

    6) Then click "add",

    7) Then click "close" (and then "exit" to close the MBAM main window).

    Screen shot attached for reference.

    Does that work?

    Best regards,


  10. Hi, normar 1949:

    I don't want to confuse you, but I *think* what is happening is that you might be clicking the "add" button each time you tic one of the scheduler option boxes, and that might be generating the error message?

    (Because the scheduler thinks you are trying to edit or "add" to a scan that is already scheduled?)

    So, to further elaborate on what Wide Glide just suggested, try this:

    1) Open the scheduler & select (highlight) your scheduled scan (as in my screenshot in my original reply), & then click the delete button. That scheduled scan should disappear from list of scheduled tasks. Do the same thing for each scheduled scan you might have. This will remove all the scheduled scans.

    2) Close the MBAM interface & then re-open the scheduler -- there should be no scheduled scans listed.

    3) Next, open the Scan tab in the scheduler and set up a single Quick Scan schedule (e.g. "daily" at 09:00 AM), but BEFORE you click "add", you need to enable (tic) or disable (un-tic) whichever of the options you do and do not want. (See my screenshot for an example of settings options.)

    4) Only when you have made all your customized selections for the various options should you then click the "add" button.

    Does this work?

    OK, so to minimize confusion, I'll let WG help you the rest of the way. (And be sure to watch the youtube video...)

    (Send me a PM if you'd like further assistance from me -- I just don't want to send your head spinning unnecessarily from having "too many cooks" on the pot!)



  11. Hello, normar 1949:

    Are you running the most current version of MBAM PRO ( (Current defs are 5635, as of this writing.)

    A couple of things about the scheduler (I agree, it is not entirely intuitive):

    1) Open the main user interface > about > help & you will find some explanations there about how to set it up & use it.

    2) If you search the forums here, you'll also turn up some threads about this, with detailed suggestions from the MBAM folks.

    3) Short version: with the current scheduler, you cannot edit/change existing settings. So, if you want to change anything about your scheduled updates or scans, you need to first go into the scheduler and DELETE your existing settings, then RECREATE them from scratch. Then be sure to OK/apply etc as you back out of the various windows, so that the changes will stick. Close the MBAM interface (main window), then reopen it and check to be sure your new settings are there.

    So, for example, based on my attached screen shot, if I wanted to change my Quick Scan settings, I would: highlight it (as shown) > click "delete" > click "add" and set up a new Quick Scan schedule.

    (FWIW, Quick Scans are all you routinely need. Full scans are only needed after cleaning up malware, so they need not be scheduled, unless you are overly paranoid and/or are not running MBAM PRO with its real-time protection module enabled.)

    Hope this helps a bit.

    Please post back and let us know if you need additional assistance.



  12. Hi, juz:

    Ah, ha!

    You didn't mention in your original post that you had recently been infected -- that, of course, could have messed up several things on your system. :blink:

    So, a simple MBAM clean reinstall as we suggested might not have been sufficient.

    That said, it sounds as though you are on track now with support to get things up and running properly. ;)

    Best regards,


  13. Hello, spotlizard, and welcome:

    You may still have malware traces left on your system.

    Alas, we do not work on malware removal in this particular forum.

    Until one of the experts arrives, your best bet may be to obtain free, expert assistance at the malware removal-HJT forum.

    Please go to this page, print out, read and follow as many instructions as you can:


    Then please post your logs by starting a new thread, describing the problem you are having, here:


    One of the trained experts will then assist you as soon as possible.

    When you post, please be sure to select Track This Topic & choose one of the email options, so that you will be notified when someone responds; allow 24-48 hours before bumping your thread.

    Alternatively, you may wish to start a support ticket by contacting support at: support@malwarebytes.org, or by using one of the other support options here:


    Also, please use the "Add Reply" button when replying here & at the other boards, so that it will be easier for everyone to follow the thread.

    Thanks and best regards,


  14. Just to add Malwarebytes' should be set in Services to Automatic-Delayed so that is does not conflict with any other security software

    Thank you, Wide Glide, for adding that important suggestion.

    I assume that "automatic-delayed" is the default setting during routine MBAM installation, so that the average user wouldn't need to make any changes to services.msc, right?



  15. Hi, Juz:

    The error code to which you refer appears to be a MS error code relating to ERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_FAIL 1068 (0x42C)

    Until one of the experts arrives, you may wish to try the following:

    1) Uninstall MBAM from the Windows control panel;

    2) Reboot (very important)

    3) Download and run the MBAM cleanup tool, found here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam-clean.exe

    4) Reboot

    5) Download a fresh copy of MBAM from here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam-download.php

    6) Temporarily disable your AV and install MBAM. Note: You will need to reactivate the program using the license you were sent

    7) Reboot.

    8) Set up an program permissions and file exclusions in your AV and firewall, as explained here: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=10138 (Specific instructions depend on the AV software vendor and your computer's OS).

    9) Add the program folder of your AV and firewall to MBAM's "Ignore List".

    Please post back and let us know if that works for you.

    Thank you very much,


  16. Hello and Welcome, oldcomputergonebad:

    Alas, we do not work on malware removal in this particular forum.

    If you would like one of the experts to review your logs and assist with cleanup as a free service, if needed, please go to this page, print out, read and follow as many instructions as you can:


    Then please post your logs by starting a new thread here:


    One of the trained experts will then assist you as soon as possible.

    When you post, please be sure to select Track This Topic & choose one of the email options, so that you will be notified when someone responds; allow 24-48 hours before bumping your thread.

    Alternatively, you may wish to start a support ticket by contacting support at: support@malwarebytes.org, or by using one of the other support options here:


    Also, please use the "Add Reply" button when replying here & at the other boards, so that it will be easier for everyone to follow the thread.

    Thank you very much!


    PS Once you are clean, you will want to update your Java version & some other programs, since running older, outdated versions poses some security vulnerability risk.

  17. Hello, kexul:

    I sincerely apologize if the free advice offered in good faith by other users such as Firefox and myself doesn't meet your needs.

    (By the way, this is a user forum and most of us are not affiliated with MBAM, so it's not "our" software -- we are just volunteering to help other users.)

    I am really sorry as well that you are still having problems.

    If you are using MBAM PRO, you may also wish to contact support at support@malwarebytes.org and start a ticket, or consider other options, as listed here:


    Perhaps one of the kind and expert folks from MBAM will join this thread and provide you with additional assistance.

    Until then, good luck, & I hope you get MBAM & your computer working properly.

    Best regards,


  18. Hi, kexul:

    Firefox pretty much covered it (while I was gone to work), so, thanks!

    If the fixes suggested in the other threads (including a clean reinstall of MBAM with ESET NOD32 temporarily disabled) aren't working, then it may well be a subtle corruption in your OS.

    As Firefox pointed out, SP2 will be "EOL" (end of life) soon -- that means MS will no longer support it. This is a stability and security concern for your system.

    So, updating to SP3 will serve several uses: 1) provide you with continued support from MS in terms of stability and security patches, and 2) may resolve whatever issue you are having with the right-click context menu.

    Firefox gave you the link about this in his post.

    Also, just as a tip, it is generally advisable that one temporarily uninstall one's AV suite (in your case ESET NOD32), then install SP3 and any other important and recommended updates, and then reinstall your AV (and MBAM).

    This is standard procedure for all major AVs.

    In addition to uninstalling from the Windows Control Panel first, it is generally best to run the vendor's removal tool, as well, after the control panel uninstall, and prior to reinstalling the AV.

    The link for the ESET NOD32 removal tool & instructions is here: http://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN2289

    This may seem like a lot of work -- and it is, for us home users -- but following proper procedures ultimately saves time and aggravation by averting other issues.

    I know you must be really exhausted and frustrated by all this -- computer issues take on a life of their own and can suck your energy right out.

    Sometimes it helps to just take a break for a day or so and come back to it.



  19. Hi, kexul, and welcome:

    See here:




    If that doesn't work, please post back with a bit more info about your system (OS and Service Pack, AV and firewall, etc).

    Also, please be sure MBAM has the necessary permissions and exclusions in both your AV and firewall -- detailed instructions are in the FAQ pinned at the top of the forum.



  20. The license fee is for lifetime, but only for 1 machine.

    However, there is discount pricing for multiple licenses.


    If you change from 1 to more than 1 copy in the quantity box and then click the update icon next to it, it will automatically update to the discounted multiple price.

    Not sure why one would purchase a DVD (or from what source), as it is likely to be an outdated version.

    Better to download from the official site (one of several mirror sites, being sure NOT to click on any of the ads on these sites for other products).

    In fact, I'm not even sure MBAM sells its products as a DVD? (I could be wrong about this, as I recall they recently expanded their retail offerings.)

    Here is the official site:


    Perhaps someone from MBAM will weigh in on this with more "official" advice.

    I think it's a REALLY nice & thoughtful idea for you to gift those neighbors with MBAM -- just please be sure you are buying a legitimate license from a trusted source. :D

    Best regards,


  21. Can't reproduce it here, either.

    System specs are below, KIS is current build ( (a.b.c), FF 3.6.13, NoScript

    I don't use Safe Run for routine browsing, and I do clear the Safe Run folder quite often (usually at the end of every session).



  22. As I posted in the FP thread, Malware Bytes detected Trojan.Zbot inside Kaspersky's sandbox folder, after installing Noscript for Firefox. So maybe MB has a problem identifying files inside Kaspersky's Sandbox.

    That would not surprise me, since the whole point of the sandbox is to............well, you know, sandbox! :D

    That said, I've not had any FP detections with MBAM in the KIS sandbox, also running FF with the same extensions, including NoScript.

    I don't use SafeRun for websites routinely, except when doing financial stuff (I don't think it was intended for "routine" browser use, for which it would be a bit of overkill), but I do use the VK quite often.

    Have you tried clearing KIS/KAV SafeRun from time to time, to clean out the accumulated files there?

    Just a thought,


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