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Posts posted by Amaroq_Starwind

  1. I recently bought a boxed MalwareBytes license for around $30 from Fry's Electronics, but it said on the box "3 Devices, 1 Year".

    I have to say, while I love the packaging (I'm keeping the box for its artwork), I do wish there was more inside the box. Aside from the paper card with the activation code, it's all just empty space in there, not even an installation CD. I expected at the very least some swag, like a folded poster or one of those sliding webcam shutters.

  2. Hi!

    I'd like to further contribute to the development of additional MalwareBytes products and components by providing testing and feedback, and if possible, even directly assist in some of the development. Moreover, I'd also like to continue sampling new and upcoming Anti-Malware technologies. Unfortunately though, besides Anti-Rootkit, AdWare Cleaner and StartupLite (which are merely remediation tools), and the Anti-Ransomware and Anti-Exploit betas (which are components already incorporated into the mainline MalwareBytes product), there's nothing new for me to actually test (besides reporting the occasional bug when one comes up, which is very rare for me).

    As such, I feel like I'm contributing too little as a member of the Beta Testing Program, reaping the occasional small reward but not actually pulling any weight (beyond the small fiscal contribution from my Premium subscription). I live for the thrill of innovation, and I'm hungry for more!

    Could I please be informed of any upcoming opportunities to put unproven technology through its paces?

  3. A bit late to the party here, but if MalwareBytes could scan scripts and Non-PE files, even if it were just an optional feature, then that could add another layer of protection, and as long as they didn't also add On-Access scanning to the mix it wouldn't cause any conflicts.

    Now... On-Access scanning could hypothetically be made to work well without conflicts if MalwareBytes had an official ePolicy Orchestrator profile/plug-in...
    ...or if Microsoft decided to update their APIs so that other Anti-Malware/Anti-Virus solutions could more effectively communicate with Windows Defender, allowing for more efficient and more reliable cooperation between different protection systems. I think that would be a long ways off, though. I think they should stick with ePO for now.

    By the way... could this thread be moved into the feedback forum, as opposed to the support forum?

  4. This is great news! I need to renew my Malwarebytes license in about a year, but I'm working on getting enrolled in a work-study at the Interactive College of Technology Greenspoint campus in Houston, Texas, so I may be able to join in on the discounting goodness. Fun fact: ICT themselves are a Malwarebytes customer, and their recently-opened Greenspoint campus will soon have an IT Course.

    I actually spoke to the president of ICT while I was touring the campus yesterday, and he believes that there will be ample opportunities for me to help out around there. Finally, I'll be able to put my technomancy cyber-talents to professional use!

  5. There're two tools that I'd recommend, but it really depends on what kind of performance problems you're talking about.

    StartupLite is a program created by the MalwareBytes team that stops unnecessary programs from automatically starting up when you fire up your computer. However last I checked, it hasn't been updated in a long time, so it misses a lot of things and even gets a few false positives.

    Process Lasso is a good program to check out. I have a technical background and understand the various concepts behind Process Lasso's operation, not to mention that I trust the publisher/developer. I can PM you a referral if you'd like!

    To give you the short version of how Process Lasso works... it watches the programs on your computer, and whenever a program stalls because it is waiting on something that's not yet available, Process Lasso lowers the hung application's thread priority so that other programs don't have to wait in line (which is especially a godsend on CPUs with only a couple physical cores).

    Process Lasso also has much of the functionality you'd come to expect from Windows Task Manager, and even expands on it quite a bit. On Windows 10, that's just a small bonus thanks to the updates that have been made to Task Manager, but on older versions of Windows, it becomes one of Process Lasso's selling points.

    The program does have a free version which is surprisingly feature-rich (and ad-free), but the paid version offers even more features, and in my honest opinion is more than worth the investment, especially since you can choose a lifetime license and use it across all your computers.

    By the way, Bitsum has great customer service. When I purchased a lifetime license for Process Lasso Pro while setting up a computer for my older relatives, I went back to my laptop half an hour later to receive a notification that I was being offered a considerable discount for the product I just bought, since I had been using the free version for a few months. I sent an email to Bitsum, and they sent me a response in minutes, giving me a partial refund so that I'd still get the discount.

    If MalwareBytes were to ever make a performance optimization app, it would probably begin life in an acquisition of Bitsum.

  6. The open-source .NET Core Runtimes recently got a companion. I forgot the exact name, but it's something along the lines of "Windows Compatibility Pack". To give you the short version, it's now a lot easier to port Windows software to other operating systems, though obviously it still isn't perfect.

    I think it might actually be possible to get MalwareBytes running on Linux in the not-too-distant future. If I worked at MalwareBytes and had some coding experience, I'd get right on it.

  7. Hmm... maybe Malwarebytes should join in on this endeavor, that way they can create protections against the exploits they find.
    There's also an AI-driven supercomputer called Mayhem, which aims to find and patch exploits in software without human intervention. Cool stuff!

  8. If DRAM manufacturers would start producing and selling Pseudostatic DRAM, the mitigations could happen a lot more quickly, since the memory controllers would be built-in to the memory modules themselves rather than the CPUs... as if there weren't enough advantages to Pseudostatic DRAM anyway. That would keep people from having to switch platforms to upgrade!

  9. Disclaimer: This thread is discussing the portrayal of a real-world company within a fictional setting. Any discrepancies or disparities with the real Malwarebytes which may be brought up in here are purely fictional.

    For anyone here who happens to be a fan of Shadowrun and/or who happens to play it regularly, what would you imagine would become of Malwarebytes in the year 2080, when the entire world is not only filled with magic, but also a cyberpunk dystopia?


    My first character in Shadowrun actually works for Malwarebytes, and uses his contacts to aid him in various investigations and cybersecurity endeavors. However, world-building wise, I can't really think of many ways in which the company might change or stay the same (or even just roleplay interactions with the company), especially given that I don't work there in real life.



  10. I wonder if any of WehnTrust's features should be incorporated into Malwarebytes. It could potentially improve security with its SEH Overwrite Protection, its Format String Vulnerable preventions, and its own ASLR capabilities, especially on older versions of Windows. And it's open source, which is really nice and makes adapting its features seem a lot more viable to me.


    Another security feature which is similar to Bottom-Up ASLR which could be a good supplement is Library Load Order Randomization (though that might require changes to the OS on Microsoft's part).

    Further still, additional security measures such as Shadow Stacks and Random XOR Canaries could both also be used to compliment ASLR if they haven't already been worked on.



    One way to offset the potential compatibility problems of using Shadow Stacks; you could notify the user every time a program encounters an error as a result of an exception or a longjmp.

    Also of note for ASLR; making the program and drivers PAE aware and allowing then to use large memory pages could be used augment ASLR on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 on systems with at least 4 Gigabytes of RAM (even if most of the operating system is unable to use it in the case of the 32-bit version of XP). And while it wasn't explicitly designed for security, experimenting with a Ravioli Memory implementation (which I made a thread about in General Discussion) might possibly have ancillary security benefits on top of avoiding memory fragmentation and providing more robust management of system resources.

    Now in response to @exile360, I was merely trying to point out that you seemed omit XP SP2 on the list of supported operating system for DEP. I'd like to share some final thoughts on that subject; though Data Execution Prevention is great,  better implementations do exist which allow even more flexibility, such as separating the bits for Write Access and Execution Access, and/or separating the bits for Privileged and Unpriviledged Execution, or even enforcing Sandboxed Execution. However, those various implementations are only supported in-hardware on non-x86 architectures, and even then, not all of those support the same features, and I'm not certain how viable software-based implementations could be without at least a partial rewrite of the operating system itself.

  11. There's another issue, however, with taking offensive measures to deal with the threat. Besides the risk of possible collateral damage, there could also be severe legal repercussions...

    Anyways, here are some of the articles I was looking at:

    1. https://www.symantec.com/connect/articles/malicious-malware-attacking-attackers-part-1
    2. https://www.symantec.com/connect/articles/malicious-malware-attacking-attackers-part-2
    3. https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/offensive-security
  12. Oh crap! 😱

    Maybe more offensive security measures have to be taken if infrastructure is actively being targeted, actively striking back at intruders... But there aren't any obviously practical solutions that I can readily think of.

    On the Symantec website, there are a couple old articles titled along the lines of "Malicious Malware: Attacking the Attackers, but it is from 2006 and I don't know if those ideas are even viable anymore now that we have to worry about things like Ransomware, Botnets, and victim computers being hijacked as proxies.

    I posted a thread about D-Wave Systems very recently, so perhaps it might also be time for security providers to get on the horn with them about possibly using their resources to tackle infrastructure-wide cyberdefense.

  13. Turns out D-Wave systems actually developed an API so that you can utilize their quantum computing resources through a remote connection.


    Before anyone asks... Yes, D-Wave is the real deal, I've been following them for years. They've even got a contract with Lockheed Martin, IIRC.

    So, does anyone here have ideas on what they'd use a quantum computer for~?

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