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Posts posted by Amaroq_Starwind

  1. Option A: When enabled by the user, this thing will try to keep track of everything that loads when the computer boots, including enabling the Windows boot log if it isn't already. Whenever something of note changes, it will tell the user. Besides being a general troubleshooting tool, it will also help the user spot rootkits more easily if they're not already found by the anti-rootkit engine.


    Option B: Alternatively, a Native API version of the Anti-Rootkit scanner could be built, which wouldn't even require initialization of NTDLL. However due to the fact that the Native API is mostly undocumented and isn't meant for non-Microsoft use, so the chances that something will change that breaks it are not the lowest.


    I'd only suggest Option B for awesomeness points, otherwise go with Option A.

  2. I'm not sure if this is the right place to be asking this, but a while back someone I know had set up a Windows Server VM on Azure for me to run tests with, but when to sat down with it, it didn't take me long to realize that I was completely lost.

    As such, I'm looking for a crash course on Windows Server which is aimed at people who are already Windows Home/Professional power users, and I am notoriously bad at finding anything helpful on Google.

    I'm also hoping that somebody who has experience with Windows Server could show me the ropes directly, either in instant messages, here on the forum (via private messages), or in-person as part of a class of some kind.

  3. I recently made an account on D'Wave's LEAP community forum, and I have gotten a chance to learn more about how quantum computing actually, well, computes. I was actually expecting to be disappointed, but instead I actually got even more hopeful of its capabilities, and it's given me some new ideas.

    I'd like to share a few of them, but I really would also like some other people to join in my brainstorming. I don't like being the only guy who has ideas.

    Anyways, here's my handful:

    1. Troubleshooting and correcting vulnerabilities, crashes and other bugs

    2. Recovering data, particularly structured data which has been heavily corrupted or encrypted, or unstructured data which is at least partly intact (assuming there's something to compare it to, like a hash of the original file)

    3. Predicting multiple possible signatures from a single Malware sample, so that signature-based detection isn't completely useless and so that "block at first sight" policies can still be helpful.

    4. Optimizing slow code, prioritizing critical workloads when resources are constrained, and tracking suspicious activity to its source.

    5. Identifying false positives by predicting the consequences of letting a sample go.

  4. This is why I love the CloudFlare DNS; on top of being extremely fast, your DNS queries are encrypted. So while it isn't a true VPN, it's still just a little bit harder to snoop on and interfere with.

  5. Windows 10, by default, reserves Case-sensitive filenames/folders for the Linux subsystem, but there is a registry change you can make to enforce Case-sensitivity for Windows programs as well, and you can use PowerShell to set specific folders to be Case-sensitive.

  6. Due to recent events, I feel a strong urge to switch over from the Home version of MalwareBytes to the Business version, but before I fork over the delicious cash or plan my budgeting, I want to know some things:

    1. As a current Home user, what business-exclusive features could I reasonably expect to benefit from in everyday use?

    2. When upgrading from Home to Business, which products in particular would you recommend?

    3. Based on the answers to the previous two, how much more can I expect the Business-line products to cost me compared to the consumer versions that I'm already using?


    Thanks! 🦊

  7. Does Malwarebytes have the ability to scan case-sensitive files and directories? If not, then I strongly feel like that ability should be added, especially since Windows supports case-sensitive files and directories now, and cross-platform threats are becoming increasingly common.

  8. This idea is a simple one; incorporate the Android version of the MalwareBytes components within the Windows and Mac versions, and allow it to scan Android devices over USB. This would be a good way to remove Android-based threats when an Android device is no longer under the user's control, as Android threats can't target Windows.

    This functionality could also extend to sanitizing MicroSD cards from Android devices, or even allow you to sideload the Android version of Malwarebytes through the Windows/macOS Malwarebytes client.

  9. My proposal here is simple; an app for iOS/macOS, Android, Win32, UWP and Linux that keeps informed whenever there is a new blog post, product announcement, beta program, and so on.

    It could also let you access the MalwareBytes community through your forum account, manage your licenses and installed products, and more quickly and easily get in touch with support staff.

  10. 1. https://www.wired.com/2016/06/demonically-clever-backdoor-hides-inside-computer-chip/ 
    	2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_computer 
    	3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analog_computer#Resurgence 
    	4. https://www.dwavesys.com/take-leap 
    	5. https://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/software/mayhem-the-machine-that-finds-software-vulnerabilities-then-patches-them  

    Here we go... Hopefully something good will actually come out of me sharing all this information.

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