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Posts posted by GT500

  1. You want a constitutional fight on the 4th Amendment, go fight NYC and their Stop and Frisk Policy.

    Go to Texas and other Southern border states and look at the Border Patrol check points that are not at the border, but are within 100 miles of the border.

    Those are also obvious violations of the 4th amendment, however I see no reason why data collection should not constitute seizure of property, and when done without a warrant it is a violation of our country's highest law (which means it is illegal, regardless of any legislation claiming it is not).

  2. Personally I think the Feds are doing what we charged them to do and are doling it legally.

    Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America:

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    This is the law, and it is the supreme law of the land. It supersedes all other laws. Since the Constitution of the United States of America has not been repealed, nor has the Bill of Rights or any of its amendments specifically been repealed, any action taken by the government that violates it is illegal, and any law made by Congress that violates it is illegal. Therefore, warrantless surveillance is illegal, and the government is committing criminal acts by doing so.

    As for "doing what we charge them to do", that is debatable, as many of us would rather do without them completely than have them invading our privacy and stripping us of our Essential Liberties under the guise of 'protecting' us. Remember, we prevented a Japanese invasion of the United States with our individual right to bear arms, and not with the strength of our military. Of course, this delves into politics, and if you'd like to discuss that with me then it would be best to contact me privately instead of discussing that here. ;)

  3. Bruce Lawson, the person who posted that blog entry, is a "Web Evangelist" at Opera Software. The ODIN blog isn't a developer blog, it's a marketing blog. ;)

    The ODIN blog will probably be flashy and fancy, and have articles that look and sound really cool to showcase the browser and its features. The DesktopTeam blog is where the developers post about new builds, so it will have the technical details from the perspective of the developers.

  4. When I check for updates from within my Opera browser (12.15), is says I have the latest version of Opera.  Is it OK to download 15 and install it on top of 12.15?


    Oh, never mind.  I guess that's not the case.  It looks like 15 is a new thing and 12.x will be around for a while.

    I am not finding any official statement about this on the developer blog, however I didn't bother checking Opera employee blogs to see if the answer is there.

    That being said, when Haavard put up a poll on his employee blog, a lot of people voted that they consider the switch a bad idea (including myself). Out of the 785 votes in the poll, 43% think it is a bad idea, 28% believe it is a good idea, and 28% are undecided. They have received a lot of negative feedback about Opera 15, and I imagine that this is the major reason why they have kept Opera 12 around rather than forcing an 'upgrade'.

    Personally, I remember what Jon von Tetzchner used to tell people when they asked about adding features to appease the "It's not Firefox" crowd. His answer was usually along the lines of, if we make Opera more like Firefox, then Opera will just become Firefox, and will lose everything that makes it unique.

    I knew that Opera wasn't going to go in a good direction from the moment that Jon von Tetzchner stepped down as CEO of Opera Software and that new guy replaced him. That was the day that I knew extensions would be added, and that the direction of their browser development would completely change. I was a huge Opera fan back in the day, but they have been ruining my favorite browser for years now...

  5. Dudeeeee the newest version of Opera is weirddd.

    I do believe that this should explain everything.

    They're doing what they can to sell it to people, however Opera 15 is basically just Google Chrome made up to look like Opera and with some of Opera's features added to make it seem more like Opera.

    Personally, I say it doesn't matter what features they add or what GUI changes they make, it is no longer Opera now that the Presto layout engine has been abandoned.

  6. Sweet!  I run PRO, so no worries here :)  I just wonder if any saved passwords could have been stolen... gonna change mine just to be sure asap!

    I don't allow Opera to synch my passwords. The My Opera Community is stored on its own cluster of servers, so it shouldn't have been breeched, however if someone ever does breech it all they will find is the unique randomly generated 20 character password that I use for my My Opera account. Or, at least, what they should find is either an MD5 or SHA1 hash generated from my password, as you should never store a plaintext password in a database.

  7. Reading this topic I was trying to recall which other respected companies have gone down this road. I can remember Norton 'Win Doctor' and of course 'Registry Mechanic' although I'm not sure PC Tools were ever respected. I recently came across Avira Registry Cleaner, alas it turned out to be a tool for cleaning out their keys. I'm certain that AVG do something as well.  

    I remember COMODO's registry cleaner jacking up my grandmother's computer. I had to revert to a backup to fix it, because it wouldn't boot without a BSoD. That was a long time ago, but it caused me to call into question the safety of registry cleaners. Today I don't trust any of them.

    And while the average person talks down McAfee AV, they have no idea about HBSS because they only know the retail products and not their enterprise products.

    Not all of us. :P

  8. This was not expected when I learned Intel bought Mcafee.  I expected embedded anti malware constructs in microcontrollers, programmable array logic and programable logic controllers.  Not crapware.

    This is somewhat obscene, however considering my personal feeling regarding McAfee I find it to be quite humorous (No, I'm NOT using the MEDIA tags, because this video really is somewhat obscene, and I don't want people to be offended because they clicked without reading this ):

    Seriously though, it's McAfee, what did you expect? :P
  9. For those of you who may have misconceptions on what the NSA was doing, and the legality thereof,  I suggest all to view this recording of House Intelligence Committee grilling General Keith Alexander on "National Security Agency Data Collection Programs" ...

    Do you have any proof that anything he says is true? For all we know, it could have all been lies to keep Congress from taking any action against the NSA.

  10. I go to Best Buy just to listen to someone besides my wife complain1 about one thing or another.. :rolleyes:

    Many years ago, I used to work at Fry's Electronics fixing computers for customers. I heard all of the 'complaining' I needed to when I was there... :P

    I've been a Rusty1 Member for quite a few years now. ;)

    Yeah, I remember my parents having one when I was a kid. Their card must be in the same condition that yours is in. :lol:

  11. By the way, where were all these complaints when Marcin did his AMA on Reddit a while back?

    I kept my mouth shut, however I personally have no use for Reddit. It was obviously a PR move when Marcin did that, and if he wants to then that's his decision. I assumed at the time that it was Robert's idea, but you know what they say about assumptions. :P

  12. Netflix and Amazon both have some good stuff. I do like Netflix player better than Amazon's player though.

    Yeah, Amazon's player isn't very good. I usually experience the player having connection issues with the servers the videos are on, and it has to stop playing for a while and reconnect.

    Yay Stargage SG-1! We own all the seasons & movies for SG-1 :) Great show!

    I thought that the movie they did about Ba'al was extremely good. I can watch it over and over, and not get bored with it.

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