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Posts posted by GT500

  1. I imagine that he already has one. He has been a "Malware Hunter" for a long time. ;)

    One other recommendation is to set up a virtual machine, create a snapshot of the OS when it is clean, have your kids use that virtual machine for their playing around, and then restore the clean snapshot when they are done. That prevents them from messing up your computer, and it allows you to clean up their mess with relative ease. ;)

    Of course, another good recommendation is simply to be there to supervise everything they do on the Internet. That can save your children from doing some really stupid things.

  2. If Microsoft would just give the user the actual choice of interface it would probably remove all the low sales issues.  The vast majority of complaints are not about the underlying operation of Windows 8, in fact it has some really good new stuff.  The complaints are mostly about the interface.  I know it's hard to move the big red tape monster due to their huge size but if they would let users click a button back and forth Classic Window 7, Modern Windows 7, Windows 8 Desktop, or Windows RT then the vast majority of users would be happy.

    I've been saying this for a while now.

    You can't please everyone, so offer people a choice.

  3. I just have a bone to pick with antivirus applications that are bloatware that cause more problems than they solve.

    It is quite true that performance can be a major issue with anti-virus software. It is very sad that some vendors think it is OK to have overly controlling or bloated software, especially when it is just basic anti-virus protection. Since users expect their time to be enjoyable (or at least not a hassle) when using their computers, it is always best when anti-virus software does not make a nuisance of itself.

  4. software tools that assist in preventing an "infection" or the execution of malicious code (i suppose that all such things could be considered malicious in/by common definition) can be rather broad in what they "detect" or they can be less and less generalized down to the point of being able to only "find" one item , in a given environment , coded in a specific manner .

    Unfortunately, different teams of researchers/analysts will not always have the same samples to analyze. This is why different security software will miss different things, as a sample that company A may have seen when it was 0-day may not have been seen by company B, and vice versa. It is also why the "layered security" approach is so popular, due to the fact that while there will be significant overlaps in what two or more protection mechanisms can detect, you expect that one security solution will make up for the 1%/2%/etc. of things that the other won't catch, and vice versa.

    Of course, a good behavior blocking technology can be even more beneficial, if a user knows how to respond to the notifications. A good behavior blocker should have whitelists and blacklists of digital signatures in order to reduce the amount of notifications that users get and allow for a certain percentage of decisions to be automated, and of course there are other technologies that could be employed to do the same (since not every program is digitally signed).

  5. I still believe that antivirus programs have been surpassed by other more innovative applications such as MBAM. ...

    Malwarebytes expects you to continue using standard AV protection when using their product, as MBAM is not intended to replace a traditional AV software.

    As someone who works in the industry, I can say that for the average user anti-virus is essential (otherwise there would be no infected computers). There are ways of staying safe online that can be far more effective than an anti-virus software, however even an expert can make a mistake and when that happens it is great to have an AV in the background to catch that mistake for you.

    Why you think AV software is ineffective and MBAM is I do not understand. MBAM does the same thing as an AV. It monitors processes and created files in real-time, it uses a combination of information about known malicious files (hashes, file info, paths, etc) and heuristics to catch infections, and it notifies the user so that they can be deleted. While the technology is different from one vendor to another, the software essentially does the same thing. The major differences with MBAM are that their focus has never been on replacing anti-virus software, blocking IP addresses rather than domain names, and of course on superior malware removal technology.

    Obviously MBAM can be a very good tool to have, and I do continue to use the real-time protection, however I can never overstate the need for anti-virus software protection for the average user.

  6. They used VirusTotal for testing? That right there is why their test failed.

    Also, their first screenshot shows Emsisoft and COMODO detecting the sample, however neither of those end up in their first set of statistics. Now they do have Emsisoft and COMODO in a second set of statistics, however they leave them both out of the overall set of statistics on which AV providers detected the samples. In the third set of statistics, they only include 5 AV softwares, as if none of the others matter.

  7. no its fp eate haves drop over the last year or two

    I don't know what their FP rate was before Janurary of 2012, however since then I do have experience with their engine and its FP rate. The Ikarus engine would frequently cause Emsisoft Anti-Malware to fail in Virus Bulletin's testing, and as soon as the Ikarus engine was dropped in favor of the BitDefender engine Emsisoft Anti-Malware finally stopped failing comparative testing due to false positives.

    The false positives may seem better in your own testing and personal use of products that include the Ikarus engine, however in both real-world situations and testing done by certain organizations the Ikarus engine tends to produce too many FP's.

  8. HitmanPro incorporates scanners from several vendors, so it makes sense that their detection rate would be better then any of those scanners would have by themselves.

    That being said, the makers of HitmanPro don't do the research themselves and they don't developer the scan engines themselves, so don't forget to give credit to the makers of the AV engines that are used in HitmanPro since those engines and the developers and researchers behind them are responsible for any good detection ratings that HitmanPro may have. ;)

    Of course, I am reminded of something that Bruce Harrison once said. To paraphrase him, think for a moment of a test result where an AV product is able to detect 99.9% of the malicious samples, and the test was conducted by scanning a folder of 5,000 malicious samples. That leaves you with 5 malicious samples that were undetected. What if those 5 malicious samples were all 0-day infections, and were spreading more rapidly at the moment then the 4,995 samples that were detected? The sad truth about comparative testing is that, when you see your end results, you have no way of knowing if the malicious samples that were not detected are more common in-the-wild than the ones that were detected. It leaves you with an incomplete picture.

  9. ... Just out of curiosity, why does nobody want to upgrade to Opera 15 which doesn't seem to have any issues with MBAE?

    Because it's Chromium with an Opera skin. If we wanted to use Chromium, we already have our pick of Chromium based browsers. We like Opera, not Chromium.

    Anyway, I installed MBAE, then read this thread, and now I'm uninstalling it. I don't need browser crashing issues.

  10. Since when did any sort of search without a warrant become legal?

    As far as I am concerned, all searches without a warrant are illegal, and warrants should not be issued without an eye witness testimony.

    yeah if I can't have my concealed hand gun, then no point in going.....

    Personally, I open carry, and I don't do it simply for self-defense. I open carry partially to exercise the right while I still have it, and partially so that people can see a citizen safely carrying a gun in the open.

  11. Google Image Search has and Advanced Search which allows you to find non-copyrighted images. For instance, this search has this image in the results. Notice what it says under 'Licensing' about the image? "This media file is in the public domain in the United States. This applies to U.S. works where the copyright has expired, often because its first publication occurred prior to January 1, 1923."

  12. ... curious on how the program was used...

    That is a difficult question to answer. I know she outlined the steps she used, but you'd be surprised just what all Photoshop is capable of. Just do a YouTube search for tutorials, and you will find some amazing stuff.

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