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Posts posted by GT500

  1. I deliberately left Unix-only browsers off of the list. ;)

    I had to shudder a little bit when I saw Google Chrome on your list :/  I would use Internet Explorer > anything Google.

    I don't trust Google, or like Chrome, but some people do.

    But Maxthon Cloud Browser is also a good alternative too that I've been looking into.

    I deliberately left the Maxthon browser off of the list. I tend to shy away from anything that has 'cloud' features built in.

  2. There are plenty of alternatives:

    There's more than that, but I think most of the ones above fall into the usable category. Or, at least, what most people would consider usable. Obviously I was horrible and biased and put Opera first in the list. :P

    I have to admit that Sleipnir sort of looked interesting, so I'm installing it to see what it's like. I don't think there was an address bar...

  3. I don't believe it does, and in fact, it seems like it makes it a lot easier for account creation, b/c at account creation time, the user would enter password and descriptive phrase for the inkblot - so the bot could easily be programmed to enter random words and a password and then wait for the verification email and poof! they are registered and logged in.

    That's sort of what I was thinking...

  4. Isn't this whole section off-topic? :P

    Anyway, I guess the real question is, if my router has a DNS cache then does it matter what DNS servers I set it to use? I guess it would if I was trying to visit a website with a domain that wasn't in my router's DNS cache, so the real question is what does it cache?

  5. Since I was able to (finally) get rid of their stupid search that comes up when a DNS record isn't found, OpenDNS has been OK for me. At least I trust it more than my ISP's DNS (they just aren't reliable), and I trust Google far less than OpenDNS as well.

    I do have VirtualBox on my server, so I guess I could set up my own DNS servers, however I can only use NAT mode for some reason (seems to be no Internet connection in bridged mode) so I have to assume that performance wouldn't be great if I did that.

  6. Gigabit Internet? I'd be in Internet heaven (at least if it was reliable, which is the real issue with ISP's where I live).

    Seriously though, I DO NOT trust Google enough to want Internet service from them. Or, at least, if I did have Google Fiber I would be using OpenDNS instead of Google's DNS. I'm fairly certain they can't filter my DNS requests when I have my router set to use OpenDNS, although they will still be able to log what IP's you are connecting to over your Internet connection. Although if they filter HTTP traffic (at least to capture the HTTP headers), then they can get the domain name anyway, so perhaps using a third-party DNS wouldn't help any...

  7. Yeah right. You can't push out an update to a router.  It's a manual process the user has to initiate so we know how many routers wont' be getting updates even if they have an update available today, unless there is another undisclosed backdoor that allows the vendor that type of remote access to your router.

    Some routers automatically update their firmware.

    Of course, I use the WRT54GL, which does not update automatically. Granted I also use Tomato rather than the actual Linksys firmware, so hopefully that shouldn't be an issue.

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