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Posts posted by GT500

  1. Yes I'm sure different banks have different policies.  My point is that the Credit Card "Industry" appears to have a universal or at least seemingly universal $50 limit on fraudulent charges and a bank card has none.  If you have $15,000 in your account and someone can figure that out and drain all $15,000 then your chances of getting it back are probably pretty slim at best.

    That probably depends on whether or not your account is with a bank that has FDIC insurance for that sort of thing. That, of course, only applies to U.S. banks.

  2. Might you have any idea how long Opera 12 will be supported?  I kind of hate Opera 18 at the moment... I wish they hadn't changed it.

    Opera 12 is currently only receiving security updates. I don't remember if they intend on doing bugfixes as well.

    I think they have yet to set an end date for this (probably waiting to see what the reception of Chromium-based Opera is first), however it is clear that Chromium-Opera is the only thing they actually care about at the moment.

    Right now the only thing I actually use that version of Opera for is logging in to my Twitch.tv account and streaming gameplay. My streaming dashboard seems to only work right in Chromium (I assume it works in Firefox as well), and in Opera 12 I can't even use the dropdown menu to get to the dashboard. In IE8 and IE10 I can't log in to the Twitch.tv website, and in IE9 the chat never loads. Twitch.tv has a terrible website, and I swear it used to work better and in more browsers. Not sure what on Earth the website dev team at Justin.tv Inc is doing...

  3. There are alternatives to Firefox as well (although I doubt that any of them would fix the Battlefield 4 issue). Here's a quick list:

    • Google Chrome
    • SRWare Iron (built on Chromium, so basically it's Google Chrome with some of the potentially privacy-invading features removed, although I've heard claims of more security vulnerabilities)
    • Opera 18 (also built on Chromium, but styled to look more like Opera's own web browser)
    • Opera 12 (Opera's own web browser, built using their 'Presto' layout engine)
    • Avant (can use the Trident/IE layout engine, the Gecko/Firefox layout engine, and the WebKit/Chromium layout engine to allow for excellent compatibility)
    • Lunascape (also capable of using all three major browser layout engines)
  4. Actually, I am fairly happy where I am. The only things outlawed here are "machine guns" (which is not clearly defined), certain types of knives (switchblades, Chinese throwing stars, etc), and anything that is regulated on the Federal level. I do have to have a permit to carry a handgun outside of private property, but the permit is not required to buy or own a handgun, and is no longer required to carry a handgun in the car. Since I have the permit, I open carry everywhere I go, and I just don't go to those few places where it is illegal to carry a firearm.

    Anyway, feel free to close this topic if you want to. ;)

  5. I lived in Germany for a couple years and they had plenty enough cold for me. Good reason to stay on the West Coast after that.

    I avoid the west coast like the plague. Same with places like New York and Illinois. ;)

  6. The temperature was 31ºF .56ºC that day.  We were lucky in that the Buffalo area had it's first snow about 2 days before our plane landed so everything was looking like a Winter Wonderland.  The day we left a lot of the snow was already melting and looking dirty.


    At night time the low went down to 15ºF   -9.4ºC but there was no new snow during our stay but they're supposed to get new snow today.

    You're not used to those kind of temperatures, are you? ;)

    As for the snow, I'm looking at it out the window. Probably about 3-4 inches of it.

  7. I am trying to reinstall MBAM.  It says nothing about Pro on the disc.

    If you don't remember your license information, then you should be able to contact cleverbridge (the company that handles product sales for Malwarebytes) at this link. Unless something has changed in the past few years, they should be able to send you your license information (they should be able to look it up by e-mail address).

    You can also contact Malwarebytes support directly at this link.

  8. Don't use and gases for defense in the UK as all are banned as they are classed as weapons CS gas for instance carries a fire arms charge with it.

    You should not arm your self in any way as its best to avoid any confrontation at all.

    I have to admit ignorance of UK law in the area of self-defense.

    Personally, I live in an area where I can carry a handgun openly in a holster on my belt (it does require that I have a permit, which I keep on me when I am away from home). No one's going to mess with someone who is openly carrying a firearm, and I refuse to go anywhere that I am forbidden from carrying it (so far with the only exception being to go to a polling place and vote, since they insist on putting it in a school, which means I have to leave my firearms and knives at home).

  9. You may also want to consider certain self-defense mechanisms. There are a lot of colleges that forbid firearms on school property, however you should check your schools rules to see if mace or pepper spray would be OK.

    I don't emphasis a reliance on police because they cannot prevent violent crimes. If this person does anything illegal, and you can prove it, then that's where the police come in. If they have not broken any laws, then it is best to make sure that you have some way to prevent this person from harming you, and then just try your best to ignore them.

  10. If you have an anti-virus installed, then you might be able to get a performance boost by adding an exclusion in your anti-virus software for mbam.exe (this keeps it from being monitored, and thus the files that it is scanning will not be loaded and scanned by your AV, which should increase performance).

    If you are not using SSD's, then defragmenting your hard drives with a program that will also rearrange the files on the hard drive to optimize performance may help to increase scan speed.

    Deleting Temp Files, Temporary Internet Files, and the caches in other browsers can help, since they tend to contain large amounts of small files which slows down the scan. Normally I would only expect a slight performance increase from this (like 20-30 seconds), and with your computer it could be even less.

    I can't think of anything else for the moment. There might be more possibilities, but I just can't think of anything else.

  11. Weyoun?


    Anyway, I once used the Sysinternals Blue Screen Screensaver to simulate a BSoD on startup for someone, just to mess with them. I sent them the file (renamed of course), told them to save it in their Windows folder, and gave them a .REG that created a startup entry for the screensaver when they imported it into the registry. At the time, I thought it was hilarious. Didn't cause any actual problems with the computer, but made them think that it was broken.

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