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Posts posted by ParanoiaBoy

  1. 6 minutes ago, GerberaTetra said:

    No need for your forum white knight policing. The logic is that the more activity and more topics they see advising there's an issue may spur a faster response.

    It seems to be specifically the malwarebytes service that loads into memory, even uninstalling causes system resources to spike. I noticed that the mbam service was running even during an uninstall. If you use task manager to kill that, it normalized and allowed the uninstall to continue.


  2. Hi! i got a website-blocking recently, can you take a look into the logs and tell me what was it, please?

    and, since i'm not tech savvy, i really need to ask you:

    -when a website gets blocked, is it ''all'', "100%" prevented? may it happen that i get a malware EVEN if i block a website?

    - can you suggest me any other thing to do if i get a website-blocking (like running an adwcleaner scan?), to be sure i'm still safe?

    - why does it happen frequently that, while surfing, websites got blocked? like.. one time out of three? they are most of the times malicious ads, i think, that are attached to the websites i'm visiting...who knows? is internet really so full of malwares every corner?

    - i run kaspersky internet security alongside mbam, do they conflict each other and may it happen that one blocks the other from web-blocking? why most of the times MBAM comes first?

    thank you, please answer, i really appreciate your work! 




  3. 18 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    Let us get a clean install of the current version.


    We have another tool called MB-Clean which will automate the whole process for you including backing up your key and reactivating.


     Tool can be found at https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb_clean


    1. After downloading the tool run the tool.


    2. The tool will automatically clean up the older possibly damaged installation and will ask you for a restart.


    3. Restart your system and then the MB-Clean tool will prompt you to re-install the latest product .


    4. Click on "Yes" to reinstall MB 3.×.


    5. Now you will have the latest product installed.


    Please let me know if you are still seeing issues after the latest product install.





    Sorry, only 10 months.

    i'm not willing to reinstall everything if it does not fix the issue for sure... 

    1 year, 10 months, whatever, they've been rough, before mbam 3.0 it all was working fine

  4. hi everybody! here we go again...

    i updated my w10 with the fall creator update yesterday, and right after mbam 3 web protection is permanently OFF.

    i can't do anything to turn it on, neither relaunching or rebooting.

    i've read here that many others are having this same problem... right? when can we expect a quick fix to this issue?

    i want you to notice that it's been over a year, since mbam 3.0 release, that it has problems with protections turning off for many reasons through time....

  5. 11 minutes ago, Zynthesist said:

    You had an older DB. I have identified the block on a /24 range for Cerber C2. Going to do some checks and will update this post. 

    thank you, however i'm not english as motherlanguage nor i'm tech savvy, could you explain me what's "Cerberus C2" ? thanks!!

  6. Hi everybody!!!

    (currently using MBAM 3.0 and KIS 2017)

    Recently, everytime i go on AMAZON, MBAM DOES "WEBSITE BLOCKING"!! Kaspersky does that too, and i'm not the only user reporting this.  How can amazon be dangerous?

    is it a false positive? What's happening? why nobody noticed that?

    please do something!


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