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Posts posted by ParanoiaBoy

  1. since 2 days ago i noticed that suddenly, when i play games, they freeze for 3-4 seconds and this is frustrating.

    i was about to mess up my computer in order to fix it since i had no clue on what was causing it, since i didn't change anything at all and all was working fine before.

    fortunately i took a look here and i see other users like @greenbishop are having the same problem;

    is mbam causing it? why so?

  2. hi everybody, today my mom was using browsing chrome on her smartphone looking for a cake recipe.

    she called me because she got a screen with a fake facebook wheel that was saying "congratulations", click to win a prize, or kind of.

    she forgot how she made it to happen :-|   

    i didn't click anything and i tried to avoid it by closing the chrome window and deleting browser history.

    i scanned the device with Malwarebytes mobile Premium and it didn't find anything, looks clean. WHY?

    i was sure she got a virus or kind of, why nothing is showing from scans and nothing was blocked? what was that wheel?

    thank you

  3. 5 minutes ago, Asia_Off_Grid said:

    Mouth? Try keyboard, Einstein.

    clutching at straws once again. figurative language exists y'know.

    3 minutes ago, Asia_Off_Grid said:

    Yeah. A bunch of people, all who chose to bitch, gripe and moan, rather than to work to sort the issue. Snowflake.

    clearly you have no job or you would realize what does it mean to see your work fked up by your own -supposed- antivirus that you pay for help you instead. griping and moaning is understandable and even tho you say that is unecessary, it IS  necessary, not because it will make them move faster on the fix, not at all of course, but because they must learn that, as a company, they are not allowed to expose their customers to events like that, yesterday, or they'll lose all. it's a moan for ''stay at your place''. wouldn't you be upset as well if someday you're cut off of electricity? ''ops, we messed up xdd lol, but you're gonna suffer without saying a word right?", here, that should not happen.

  4. 1 hour ago, Asia_Off_Grid said:

    You, sir, are a tool. IF you work at a paper mill, and IF your company actually lost $85,000 today, the stock holders need to see about dumping the dumb sh*ts that run your company, and elect a new board. Dump the plant manager as well, for not having the forethought to higher someone in that position. They should have an on board IT / tech guy who would have known what to do, in the event of a similar situation. Of course, I could be wrong here. Maybe they already have an IT guy - you, who was not the sharpest tack in the box and couldn't figure it out in time. Either way, I'm sure you get my point.

    It's funny that lots of residential customers came here today and knew damned well enough to ask questions, rather than to just go off against the staff for this. Next time, why not approach them civilly, rather than like some neanderthal?

    Oh, was that in Zimbabwe Dollars? Australian Dollars? New Zealand Dollars? Singaporean Dollars? Canadian Dollars? US Dollars? Or, did you sort that out, yet? 

    By the way, I know enough about the paper mill industry to know one thing - a plant can turn $85,000 US in a single hour of production.

    shut that mouth up, clutching at straws

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