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Everything posted by sman

  1. @nukecad i went by what you have stated, that there were 3 stent procedures and 2 after MI, which is why I felt your continued problems could be due to lifestyle, dietary related. But, if your doing fine.. It's good..
  2. Extreme Makeover: Life After a Heart Attack "https://mendedhearts.org/story/extreme-makeover-life-after-a-heart-attack/" Mike Anthony: From overweight and overworked to vegan marathoner Mike Anthony, a member of Mended Hearts Chapter 140 in Bergen County, N.J., had a near-fatal heart attack in 2007, not long after his 40th birthday. While working stressful 14- to 16-hour days as a film location manager, Anthony gained 80 pounds and exercised only sporadically. After finishing a long stint managing the film What Happens in Vegas, Anthony got his wake-up call: a heart attack. “My heart stopped when they were getting me ready for emergency stenting,” says Anthony. “It was a very shocking morning.” Doctors implanted four stents total. “I thought my life was over,” he says. “The doctor said I had severe coronary artery disease. I didn’t want to accept that fate.” Determined to slow the progression of his disease, Anthony entered cardiac rehabilitation and studied plans outlined by Drs. Dean Ornish, Caldwell Esselstyn and Joel Furman. “They all emphasize a plant-based diet — fruits and vegetables, high fiber, no meat or dairy, and little or no fat,” Anthony says. He understood the benefits of veganism, but it took time for him to fully adapt to the diet and the lifestyle. “When I heard about athletes like Rich Roll and Scott Jurek, I realized you can be vegan and strong,” he says. “Then I could accept it.” With two of America’s top ultra endurance athletes as inspiration, Anthony adopted a plant-based diet and started running. He lost all of those 80 pounds (give or take a few) and has completed four marathons and numerous half marathons. In April, he will run his first 50-kilometer race. “I’m not winning these races, but it feels so good to be healthy,” he says. Anthony still works long days, but maintains a more reasonable schedule with less pressure. His cholesterol, formerly at 325, is down to normal levels. Junk food is a distant memory. “I don’t crave the old stuff,” he says. “I crave a big salad every day.” For those who struggle to change their diet and start exercising, Anthony, always willing to help his Mended Hearts community, says to give it time. “As I began to feel better, it got easier,” he says. “I truly believe your body can heal itself if you eat well, engage in physical activity and rest.”
  3. And the fact that after MI further stenting gone for, ponts to problem in lifestyle, dietary issues which should be addressed to prevent further cardio issues.. An immediate review of lifestyle and dietary aspects with your Cardipologist is must..Do take up with your cardiologist right away..
  4. What i infer is that, when the root cause is something else symptomatic treatment like stent insertion is not the solution but to attack the root cause and take drugs accordingly, with life style changes. A cardiologist to decide course of treatment given the finding..
  5. Heart study casts further doubt on stents, bypass Stents and bypass surgery are no more effective than drugs for stable heart disease, highly anticipated trial results show "https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2019/11/16/embargoed-drugs-are-effective-invasive-procedures-patients-with-stable-heart-disease-major-trial-finds/" Some of the most common invasive heart procedures in America are no better at preventing heart attacks and death in patients with stable heart disease than pills and lifestyle improvements alone, according to a massive federally funded study designed to resolve a long-standing controversy in cardiology. Researchers found that invasive procedures to unclog blocked arteries — in most cases, the insertion of a stent, a tiny mesh tube that props open a blood vessel after artery-clearing angioplasty — were measurably better than pills at reducing patients’ chest pain during exercise. But the study, called ISCHEMIA, found no difference in a constellation of major heart-disease outcomes, including cardiac death, heart attacks, heart-related hospitalizations and resuscitation after cardiac arrest. There was no benefit to an invasive strategy in people without chest pain. Overall, the keenly anticipated ISCHEMIA study results suggest that invasive procedures, stents and bypass surgery, should be used more sparingly in patients with stable heart disease and the decision to use them should be less rushed, experts said.
  6. Farewell, Cortana Come the end of January, it appears the Cortana app’s getting booted to the Microsoft assistant graveyard. At least poor Clippy will have some company now. That’s according to a support article Microsoft posted to several regional markets this week, though a spokesperson later clarified to Gizmodo that only users in the following areas can expect to say goodbye to the voice assistant: Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Mexico, China, Spain, Canada, and India. Despite dropping the app in these regions, Cortana itself remains “an integral part” of the company’s business model to incorporate “conversational computing and productivity” into its products according to the spokesperson, so Microsoft doesn’t appear to be closing the coffin on it entirely. "https://gizmodo.com/farewell-cortana-1839907363"
  7. So, not only permanent storage, but for main memory applications too Glass based solutions is being explored.. Gr8. Tks David..
  8. Glass Is The Future of Data Storage https://youtu.be/n_xvUoHm9Ho 'Five-dimensional' glass discs can store data for up to 13.8 billion years "https://www.theverge.com/2016/2/16/11018018/5d-data-storage-glass" Photographs fade, books rot, and even hard drives eventually fester. When you take the long view, preserving humanity's collective culture isn't a marathon, it's a relay — with successive generations passing on information from one slowly-failing storage medium to the next. However, this could change. Scientists from the University of Southampton in the UK have created a new data format that encodes information in tiny nanostructures in glass. A standard-sized disc can store around 360 terabytes of data, with an estimated lifespan of up to 13.8 billion years even at temperatures of 190°C. That's as old as the Universe, and more than three times the age of the Earth.
  9. Michael Gillespie @demonslay335 Loves cats, bunnies, and coding. #Ransomware Hunter. Creator of ID Ransomware. United States "https://twitter.com/demonslay335?lang=ro"
  10. ID Ransomware Upload a ransom note and/or sample encrypted file to identify the ransomware that has encrypted your data. "https://id-ransomware.malwarehunterteam.com/" now is it legit?
  11. In her FB there is ref. to her in Unicef 70 yrs. anniversary concert.. Good talent..
  12. @AdvancedSetupBut this 'dark mode' display is a put-off, can this be changed to 'Normal' display?
  13. @mountaintree16 saw nearly first half of the movie .. LGBT part is a put off. could have been avoided. For music lovers, it's the music which matters.. The movie could have gone with his career part and left the personal life aside..
  14. Web payment card skimmers add anti-forensics capabilities source - https://www.itworld.com/article/3453940/web-payment-card-skimmers-add-anti-forensics-capabilities.html The newly discovered Pipka script can delete itself from a website after execution, making it very difficult to detect. Researchers have detected compromises on ecommerce sites with a new JavaScript-based payment card skimmer that uses anti-forensics techniques, including the ability to remove itself from the web page’s code after execution. Dubbed Pipka, the malicious script was found by researchers from Visa’s Payment Fraud Disruption (PFD) team on the site of a North American merchant that had been previously infected with a different skimmer called Inter. Further investigation uncovered another 16 online merchant sites infected with Pipka.
  15. Now, I find forum completely in 'Dark mode', is there any shift to it? And on the web content preview, when I created any new topic with only link, was advised to give some 'preview' of the contents, so this is what has prompted to give some web content preview with posts and which is the crux of problem now, so is it OK to avoid content preview and go with links only? tks.
  16. @AdvancedSetupSince some content preview is called for any web article, went for copy of paste of the article contents, which if this is the issue, can the content preview be excluded to only go with web article link?
  17. @AdvancedSetup not a totalitarian approach but simply one that is trade-off to required text..
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