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John A

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Everything posted by John A

  1. Thanks Mainard As I said, I have fixed the problem by deleting the Rules.ref file. I posted the info in case the bad file was needed.
  2. Today I received the message "MBAM Service terminated unexpectedly. See Event Log for Details". Event log shows only that MBAM Service Stopped. On Restarting MBAM, I received the error "Program_Error_Load_Database (-2146893820, -2146893820, CreateSDK) Bad Length" I deleted Rules.ref and restarted, all OK now. I have kept a copy of the suspect file if needed. Malwarebytes Windows XP SP3 Microsoft Security Essentials Superantispyare Pro 5.0.1092 Slow old Dell Notebook
  3. Thank you Daledoc1 That is the explanation. On further watching it is just taking a minute or two to activate and the activation is not associated with starting another program as I first thought.
  4. I currently have Malwarebytes on my Windows 7 computer set with Protection disabled and Website Blocking enabled. Since updating to, on computer startup, the tray icon shows Website Blocking disabled, and it stays that way until I start a program that accesses the web, then it shows Website Blocking Enabled. It seems to be working OK but I just wanted to check ...
  5. You need an antitvirus program as well as Malwarebytes/Spybot, but you will find that there will be some slow down if you are using AV+Malwarebytes+Spybot First, if you no longer use ZoneAlarm you should clean up its residue by running the ZoneAlarm clean tool http://download.zonealarm.com/bin/free/support/cpes_clean.exe Download it and run it (run as administrator in Vista or 7) If you want a free AV, Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) or AVG free are a couple of suggestions. If you choose MSE then you could consider removing Spybot (the Tea-timer function in Spybot may conflict with MSE)and just use MSE and Malwarebytes. You also need to follow the instructions here to avoid conflicts with your AV and Malwarebytes
  6. Chrome process(es) can be running in the background even when Chrome is closed. Put "google chrome running in background" into your search engine and have a look at some of the discussions.
  7. This isn't a Spybot forum, but since you are using MalwareBytes ... You will find varying opinion on this, but many advise that Tea timer and SD Helper components of SpyBot should be off all the time to avoid conflict with MSE. The following link shows how. http://www.safer-networking.org/en/howto/disable.hs.html
  8. Also, with Spybot, you should disable the TeaTimer function, which can conflict with MSE.
  9. You could try the removal guide here http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/virus-removal/remove-win-7-antispyware-2011
  10. It is highly unlikely that Malwarebytes is causing this. Are you using the free or pro version of Malwarebytes? Can you update Malwarebytes? Have you scanned your system with fully updated Malwwarebytes? Were any problems found? What other security applications do you have installed, such as antivirus and firewall? Exactly what happens when you try to do Windows update? What error occurs?
  11. Do you have Skype on your system or any other P2P software such as Torrents, Limewire?
  12. If you have the real SystemSuite Pro, MalwareBytes won't remove that. Two options for removal: 1. If you can obtain the install file, reinstall it then see if it appears in Add/Remove 2. Use Revo Uninstaller to remove it. You could try the free version at http://www.revouninstaller.com/revo_uninstaller_free_download.html but you may nee the Pro version (you can get a free trial) to totally remove all the leftovers. But be aware that there is also malware called Windows System Suite, see http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/virus-removal/remove-windows-system-suite
  13. Hi Karimoo This is a well known issue with Skype, and nothing to be concerned about. Following is the information received from Skype Support when I asked them why these ip addresses were being accessed. Blocking suspect ips by MalwareBytes does not cause any noticeable degradation of Skype's performance. "We understand the inconvenience that might cause and we appreciate your patience and understanding. Skype is a peer-to-peer (P2P) application. Peer-to-peer makes it possible for multiple computers running the same P2P software to communicate and participate in traffic routing, processing and other bandwidth intensive tasks that are usually performed by a central server. P2P allows sharing files containing audio, video, data and real-time data. Skype has no single
  14. Following is the information received from Skype Support when I asked them why these ip addresses were being accessed. Blocking suspect ips by MalwareBytes does not cause any noticeable degradation of Skype's performance. "We understand the inconvenience that might cause and we appreciate your patience and understanding. Skype is a peer-to-peer (P2P) application. Peer-to-peer makes it possible for multiple computers running the same P2P software to communicate and participate in traffic routing, processing and other bandwidth intensive tasks that are usually performed by a central server. P2P allows sharing files containing audio, video, data and real-time data. Skype has no single
  15. Hi Struth It still could be Skype, which does a lot in the background even though you are off-line. To test if it is Skype, either right click on the icon and choose Exit Skype, or set it so that it does not start with Windows: Tools / Options / General - untick "Start Skype when I start Windows", then Save and reboot
  16. No worries Katy, thanks for posting your response John
  17. Hello Katyinboston You can safely ignore these particular alerts, see the thread below for details about this Skype issue. Blocking the IP by Malwarebytes will not affect Skype operation http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=67140
  18. Someone I was helping did exactly the same thing only yesterday. I told her to download & run Malware Bytes and she rang back saying ARO211 was asking for money!! Apparently her download did not start automatically so she clicked on ARO211 (which was the most obvious thing to click on) and downloaded it. Surely it should made clearer how to download Malware Bytes!
  19. Just ignore it, see the thread below for details about this skype issue. Blocking the IP will not affect Skype operation http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=67140&st=0&p=343387&hl=john%20a&fromsearch=1entry343387
  20. True, I just thought I mention that issue as it may have been related.
  21. Was it around the time when you did the last windows swcurity updates? http://securitygarden.blogspot.com/2010/02/alureontdss-rootkit-and-restart-issues.html
  22. I get this on two fairly slow XP computers, whether MalwareBytes is installed or not. It is a known issue with MSE. The false Security Centre Warning about MSE "might be out of date" has started occurring on my computers since the upgrade to MSE 2.0. I get either this with a red MSE icon or the missing MSE icon about 1/6 boots. It is a nuisance, however it doesn't interfere with MSE Real Time Protection.
  23. Well as far as I am concerned, the interface is easy to use, and whether it is boring or not is totally irrelevant. MalwareBytes is not there to entertain you! I would much prefer that developers continually focussed on honing the malware-fighting functionality of the program.
  24. From Monday, I will be using both on W7 x 32 and XP, so I will also post any issues
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