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Everything posted by Dashke

  1. Hello JamesM, Thank you very much for your reply, the block will be removed in that case!
  2. Hello JamesM, Please take a look at this link and let us know if that helps - http://gwillem.gitlab.io/2016/10/14/github-censored-research-data/
  3. Hello GreenApple7, I just corrected the entry so that MBAM doesn't block the whole domain. Thank you very much for your report!
  4. Hello Crady, We are always at your service!
  5. Hello GreenApple7, Can you please update your database and let us know if that helps?
  6. Hello Crady, Personally, I would recommend you to avoid this website until their online store is fixed. You can read more about it here - http://gwillem.gitlab.io/2016/10/14/github-censored-research-data/
  7. Hello Sucuri, Thank you very much for your message, the block will be removed!
  8. Hello vaibhavksharma, Thank you for your message, the block will be removed!
  9. We are not blocking that IP, but we are blocking the domain (Fake.TechSupport).
  10. The block will be removed.
  11. The website is blocked for Fraud. Thank you very much for the understanding!
  12. Hello jeroenlaylo, Thank you very much, the block will be removed!
  13. Hello JamesVRL, Thank you very much, the block will be removed!
  14. Hello SpacePickle, Thank you very much for your message, the block got corrected.
  15. Hello JamesVRL, Unfortunately, your website got involved in online skimming - gwillem.github.io/2016/10/11/5900-online-stores-found-skimming/
  16. Hello Elk Grove Jim, leo3487, The block has been corrected to block only 15616.royalwebhosting.net hxxp://15616.royalwebhosting.net/BOT_PACKED.bin hxxp://15616.royalwebhosting.net/851321365.bin hxxp://15616.royalwebhosting.net/PreLoader_c07.bin Thank you very much for your message!
  17. Hello Groggeroo, I would recommend you to contact your hosting provider and ask them to either clean up the malware or move your website to another server.
  18. Hello missalley, The website was blocked for malvertising. If you want to access the blocked content, you can always add a web exclusion - https://www.malwarebytes.com/support/guides/mbam/WebExclusions.html
  19. Hello a4l, No problem at all, always at your service!
  20. Hello a4l, Unfortunately, your website got involved in online skimming - gwillem.github.io/2016/10/11/5900-online-stores-found-skimming/
  21. Hello coecoec, The block will be removed. Thank you very much!
  22. Hello MTC1, Always at your service, please let us know if that helps!
  23. Hello MTC1, The website was blocked for malvertising. If you want to access the blocked content, you can always add a web exclusion - https://www.malwarebytes.com/support/guides/mbam/WebExclusions.html
  24. Hello hopper15, The domain got blocked for malvertising. If you want to access the blocked content, you can always add a web exclusion - https://www.malwarebytes.com/support/guides/mbam/WebExclusions.html
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