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Posts posted by cli

  1. I only looked at the ones that you attached and didn't see malicious behavior so I whitelisted them. I would need the files for the other detections in order to whitelist them. 

    Expert algorithms is default off since it can cause more FPs than normal. If you don't mind the FPs and wish to keep this setting on to tune the AI algorithm, it may be good to disable auto-quarantine. This will save you the effort of having to restore a file from quarantine.

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  2. In addition to:

    1 hour ago, Porthos said:
    1 hour ago, BillReilly said:


    Do you have "Use expert system algorithms to identify malicious files" enabled? It is located in Settings > Security> Scan option.


    This is normally disabled by default.

    This was detected by our machine learning engine and we advise developers to whitelist the folders they develop in. For more information on why it might have been detected, please read MachineLearning/Anomalous Detections and Explanation.

    Thanks for reporting, this will be fixed in 10 minutes.

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