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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Whatever has the lowest prices lol
  2. Thanks Mystery. Er, I am a little confused by what you mean though? Do you mean that this is a FP or what do you mean?
  3. Eh, its sad when safety features are regarded as problematic :/ Sorry I'm just getting back to you, I couldn't find this before.
  4. @ Exile Even though I haven't used Avira, I wish I had known this BEFORE buying AVG, as I have told you before. Actually, I probably would've bought Kaspersky (well or Avira) if I was buying (and I would buy). Eh well live and learn. I too would recommend Avira for a free version, just based on what I've read around on here I like sho-dan's signature too hehe
  5. @ AdvancedSetup: Thanks for the clarification and will do.
  6. I used to get a drink called Dragonfruit at least once a week. I loved it, it was my favorite. I haven't seen it in months, probably a year or so now at least. Did or does anyone else drink this flavor? And/or noticed its disappearance? It makes me sad that they don't have it anymore (if thats the case); it was my favorite and the main flavor that I even liked by them, heh. I'm tempted to call the Lizard Line on the bottle and tell them to bring it back if its gone
  7. @ AdvancedSetup Ah, okay, thanks Er, if you have a moment, what is the client resolver?
  8. Thanks AdvancedSetup. Just a note, I shut off my computer and turned it on again a few hours later. Atribune is still blocked. What does this command do? Should I paste it in EXACTLY as you have it? I haven't done it yet, but I will. I'm on XP.
  9. I miss Tinker toys. I don't know what metal Erector sets are. Did you ever play with linkin logs?
  10. Just wanted to let you know that Atribune is blocked for me as well. But I didn't reboot, maybe I will later
  11. Today I was on the Netflix site and I got my first IP bubble. I was on the page as if I wasn't logged in when this happened. and then I clicked on not a member? and it popped up a few times, but the site still loaded, so maybe it was just blocking an advertisement? this is the exact address it pops up on: hxxp://www.netflix.com/ It DOESN'T pop up when I am at the actual login page: hxxps://www.netflix.com/Login Attached is a screenshot. Update: I keep testing it, and when I go to netflix.com (NOT the login page, but the main page) it keeps popping up! But the page still loads. I am so confused. It's making me kind of scared to go to Netflix. I've been using them since October. Help please! This didn't happen at all when I was logged in, only after when I was checking out the site as a guest (not logged in). One more update: http://hosts-file.net/default.asp?s= I don't really understand what I am seeing there, though.
  12. Thanks for the teasers Marcin! Are all items made in the USA, or just certain items?
  13. Hilander999 You are very right. I hope that she reads this.
  14. Rizzies, someone will get back to you on your HJT log as soon as they are able. As you can probably see, its quite busy in there so it may take a few days. Please be patient. As for the results discussed in this thread, they are indeed confirmed false positives. Read through the thread entirely again if you need any clarification.
  15. @ aubrey Oh wow, I am so sorry that that happened to you. As Mystery and another user said, that was definitely NOT Malwarebytes!!! I'm glad that you didn't pay them anything or give them any information!! Did they do a fix of your computer by connecting with it by chance? I just hope that they didn't mess up anything further!!! For the record, Malwarebytes would never ever never EVER do this to someone, nor would any other legitimate, ethical company!!
  16. ah, okay. I thought you meant I should do it for this uninstaller and was a little confused. That does sound like a good idea maybe when you have some more time you could give me some more detailed instructions that I can save on how to do that? Yes, the uninstall went okay. I uninstalled the new Flash player version that I had just installed, restarted, ran the uninstall tool, reinstalled Flash, restarted, everything seems fine
  17. What do you mean by good practice, just so I know how to do it? I don't need to do this to run the Adobe uninstaller tool though do I?
  18. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it. Good thing I asked first Edit: Just did my uninstaller then reinstalled flash - no problems
  19. Does anyone know what explorer.exe is? I am going to run this tool: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=104557 (flash uninstaller) and I just want to know what it is and/or if its a part of internet explorer or not and if it should be terminated.
  20. You may restore these items. Then update Malwarebytes, rescan I wonder why SAS is marking it as a Rogue though? Is it the SAME filepath?
  21. Okay thanks Do you know what it is by any chance? (that file) Never heard of it before tonight.
  22. @ Bobc11 awww all those pics are so cute, thanks for sharing
  23. Thanks Mystery! It's safe to restore it from quarantine then?
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