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Posts posted by boombastik

  1. OK i have done more test. Definitely is something wrong.

    In asrock motherboard there exist an option for normal boot ,fast boot and a ultra fast boot(GOP GPU).

    If i have normal boot there not exist any problem.

    If i select fast boot every time i visit my bios without change anything and push save and exit the mbam after startup requires activation. If i don't visit my bios the mbam stays activated.

    I know that every time i visit the bios the next boot from motherboard will be normal but i cant understand why mbam deactivates itself. It has nothing to do with secure boot.

    Do u have an asrock motherboard from haswell and newer to test it?

    also i have noticed that every time i visit my bios and save and exit with the mbam that deactivates itself i take also a mbam service crash.


    As a uefi bios beta tester i go into my bios every day and this thing makes my job harder. It is possible to make some change in the way that the activation works?

    For example less aggressive ?




  2. tools that use the command
    NtQueryTimerResolution to calculate platform clock report that my platform clock is 0.9999 when i have mbam support tool open.

    The problem is that with cmd command powercfg -energy duration 5 the platform clock is shown as 15,625 but if i open mbam tool in advanced option menu the platform clock calculator tool gives 0.9999 ms.

    - the platform clock tool can be downloaded from here: -https://vvvv.org/contribution/windows-system-timer-tool

    I uploaded a photo that u can see  from powercfg that platform clock is 15,625 but actually is 0.9999. How it bypassed?



    With ultra fast uefi boot many time this platform tool is stuck at 0,499 ms it is possible the same bug to exist in mbam also?

    Do u use some kind of pretection that mess with NtQueryTimerResolution when mbam tool is open?



  3. It is random but i enable and disable a lot the cms module. Asrock motherboards are strange you can have cms on and secure boot on in the same time.

    I will continue to change things in bios but i will leave cms disabled and secure boot on and i will report what will happen after 2 days.

    Leave this thread open. If it reverts to free until then i will upload the logs after the restart.

  4. it remains free. No i don't restart anything.

    well yesterday i reactivated it, and until now it stays OK. I rearrange the hard drives on propose and all are OK. But i didn't enable the cms(compatibility mode of motherboard).

    It is possible when i activate the cms mode and the irqs change to have some effect on activation?

    Also i fix an error with my (I) disk in the second controller. My malware bytes is installed in (c) disk, if the (i) disk makes 2 minute to respond have any effect to activation? Because i found that after a hibernation if the (I) disk makes 2 minutes to respond also the malware bytes icon near clock does not exist for 2 minutes.Maybe malwarbytes service waits all the disks to respond and if one has problems, service restarts consistently ?


  5. My asrock motherboard have 2 sata controllers.

    If i disable ultra fast boot my Intel sata controller initialized first and c drive take the number 0 and follows all the others hard drives with with number 2,3,4...

    If i enable ultra fast boot my second controller initialized first (i have one drive there) and it takes the letter I and the number 0.

    So my c takes the number 1.

    I think that it is the problem the license is tied to hard drive numbering and lettering. All asus and asrock motherboard have this limitation when have more sata controllers. Can a staff member confirm it?


    Χωρίς τίτλο.png

  6. I have a serious problem with my license . I have a lifetime license that reverts random to free.

    I formatted again my PC to try to fix it. ( i created also a ticket 2373839 )

    My machine is the same.

    Today my mbam reverts again to free.

    Because i am a beta tester i play with a lot in my uefi bios with compatibility mode cms (enable and disable and i frequently rearrange the hard drives)

    usually the pc is in full uefi mode with ultra fast mode enable.

    The PC is the same. Do u have the license tied to hard drives or in cms mode because the machine is the same.

    I have an older PC with old bios that whatever i do it don't lost the license.



  7. 16 hours ago, exile360 said:

    I've heard speculation that this issue may be hardware dependent meaning it only happens on certain systems where certain specific components and/or drivers are present (or maybe just one or two conflicting drivers, unknown at this point).  I've got 7x64 SP1 here and have had no such issues and QA has already tested this on every OS from XP-10 as I understand it and still have yet to replicate it so I don't think it depends on the OS you're using.  There's some other factor or factors here affecting it that lead to this situation.  That's also why there haven't been a lot more users reporting the issue (the forums would be flooded with posts if every user of a particular OS, especially one as common as 10 or 7 were affected).


    The users ussually install the more new version and open the firefox and if it works they come here and say the program works ok. The most  have no qlue how to test a program properly.

    This is not about you, as i know your nickname and what u offer here.

    But  i feel bad because i am a beta tester in above 100 programs,bioses,uefi, drivers and steam games. And usually when i report a bug for a program for example next to me other 3 write the program is ok . i Spent hours to finding them and the most beta users spent 3 minutes and dont find anything. And when someone reads from 50 user that we have no problem usually they believe that it is my pc.

    sorry for the long post and the little offtopic.



  8. I found something more with beta 3.4.3 and final 3.4.4.

    You cant also rename folders for example:

    1)put my rar UBU_v1_69_15.7z file in your documents folder

    2)restart your test machine

    3) Unrar my ubu UBU_v1_69_15 7z (right click extract files there)

    4) try to rename the unzipped folder u cant.




  9. 1)put my rar UBU_v1_69_15.7z file in your documents folder

    2)restart your test machine

    3) Unrar my ubu UBU_v1_69_15 7z (right click extract files there)

    4) delete the unzipped ubu  folder

    5)empty the recycle bin.

    it take a lot of time to empty the folder.

    If i disable Ransomware Protection  this problem dont exist.

  10. No i don't see it.

    i unrar it and then i waited  5 minutes and then i cut it and paste it  to desktop.

    So if i wait several minutes i can cut and paste it.

    Now i found  that if i cut  the ubu folder(the same procedure otherwise) from my desktop and paste it in my document folder i must wait again 5 minutes.


  11. Nice it is a good thing that u reproduced it.

    Also a minor defect: if in your stable version u have windows context menu to off position and install above it the new beta 2, the setting remain to off but in windows explorer when u right click a file the scan with malware bytes exist. So u must go to options to re enable it and then to disable it.

  12. I provided your diagnostics logs.

    Also i provide my rar folder that have the problem.

    Steps to reproduce: (windows 10 64 last updates)

    1)put my rar UBU_v1_69_15.7z file in your documents folder

    2)restart your test machine

    3)Unrar my ubu UBU_v1_69_15 7z (right click extract files there)

    4) cut the unziped ubu  folder and paste it to desktop.

    5) windows say that u cant bacuse folder is open in another program.

    6) try to delete this folder is so slow.



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