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Posts posted by boombastik

  1. I have a monitor 1080p.

    If i go to play an old pc game with resolution 1024x768, when i quit from the game my monitor goes again to 1080p (1980x1080).

    but the notification goes to wrong position if i encounter a malicious site. To fix this  i need to restart my pc.

    This bug exist whenever i exit a 3d game that has not my nature monitor resolution.

    old malwabytes 2 and 1has no this bug.

    This bug exist in all versions of malwarebytes 3.

    I attached a foto:



  2. I will give u the advice to make a little test. Don,t disable anything.

    The only change u must do is to disable the self protection of malware bytes.

    The most believe the slowness that  is from antiransomware module. The truth is that from self protection.

    Adobe reader ,eventvievier, windows office 2010, team viewer with self protection take double time to open with self protection and all of them with diferent pc hardware and software.



  3. I found before seen your answer that if unplug my network cable it stayed always activated.(and plug in 10 sec after startup)

    So i restarted my router and now i cant recreate it if i change between normal , fast and ultra fast it stays activated.

    Has this any sense ?

    I have download your tool and i will wait.




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