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Posts posted by mbyuser

  1. ive looked throu most logs,and cant find anything suspicious.

    does somthing in my post make you think i am?

    i only ask as i wouldnt like to take up time that others with infected comps need.


    i did run olts version of hijack this. and same nothing susspicious.

    i guess you where only saying it might be better to get a 2nd check.

    wasnt a waste off time as its brought it to my attention i need to fix a few errors.

    in good faith alll the best.


  2. ive run malware bytes+nod32 and looked in my hijack logs (alou i know you dont use hijack this no more) and cant find anything still somthing doesnt seem right.

    rather know what happened,than think i am infected.

    (ive searhed but still not fully sure what and why alought ive some idea)

    ; i went to check my add ons and it said flash was out of date.

    i temp. let request policy comicate with adobe and no script run the page,nothing strange so far (not all scripts i allow from adobe some are blocked) not the way i normally update add ons,however i had my once a blue moon drink last night due to having to use pian killers i dont normaly drink and was rushing things

    so up comes flash+mss on the download. nothing funny in the place it came from so it seemed so i downloaded the file,scaned,read the files properties then run that file,nothing happens and the file disapears.

    as soon as the file vanished i thought somthing was not right.

    so ran malwarebytes/nod32 and used aft/revo hopeing that if the file was set to run on reboot i might of caught anything not right.

    ive no usb conected atm.

    what is flash+mss and why did i encounter this when the right file is simply install_flash_player.exe.

    as said ive looked but atm cant figure.


  3. its not abodes Adobe Download Manager

    as for the rest,i coulnd`nt say if your comp needs checked or not.

    most lightly not as it seems like the request was blocked by your firewall.

    sounds like hotmail was trying to commiucate ( most lighty a ad request) with akamai

    i do know,i block any akamai scripts or requests,do to its akamais bad rep.



  4. thanks for the help n/j

    well sort off works but not really as desired as it opens two or three tabs when i launch ie.

    not one page as wanted.

    in ie its allready set to open up hxxp://www.scroogle.org/ under tabs setting by setting up open up my fiist home page,witch it does and lauches scroogle so i can search useing that engine.without hassle.however i dont use i.e as my main browser.

    also that setting makes no differance to firefox.

    yes m/tree mine also opens a blank page type in "boo" (at he top left) thou and it uses googles search engine,theres no setting in firefox to change the tabs like there is i.e or the home page 1,2,3rd home page.

    i can use the seach (right top) witch uses scroogle,just wanted to switch the (left top search bar) from google to scroogle.

    i did search around again (i allready did a bit before asking) and appently its not possible within firefox atm however if enough pps request it,its somthing they might impliment in the future,that being said its not somthing i expect to happen soon.

  5. windows defrag tool needs 15% free space to work,less than that and it wont.

    ok its not the best tool in the world,that i deff agree with.

    however i understand that its defraging a windows key thats said its never caused my comp not to boot. there has to be somthing else wrong for the defrag to to that.just doesnt add up that defraging a key that has no problems will cause a boot problem.

  6. i looked at request policy that somtime back,relooking again,somthing i should impliment imo;i am about to give it a try go this time around,as its deff a good idea to do so.

    its not a replacment for no script it complents it.

    "Conversely, NoScript gives you protection that RequestPolicy does not. RequestPolicy will not keep you safe from malicious JavaScript or vulnerable plugins on the current site you are visiting, So, NoScript is absolutely essential for browser security."

    and vise versa with the quote above.

    "How does RequestPolicy help you where NoScript does not? RequestPolicy will protect you from various attacks that NoScript will not (such as CSRF attacks, though there some special cases that NoScript protects against) and will give you greater privacy while browsing."

    just a few quotes from the faq.




  7. is it possible to change the default tab in firefox,so it stops loading google and uses scroogles scrapper instead?

    my home page is set to scroogle`s scraper however if i select a new tab it opens goggle,how can i overcome this,if its possible.

    worst case senerio is a add on.

    if that can you find one that does just that,can you let me know and i will look at it.


  8. new trend or old trend unsure,do know more and more sites are running Malicious scripts in the background.

    you can find a cross site script on sun javas site;naughty.

    ok sun has mabye had this a while however ive deff found i`m blocking way more scripts than i used to.

    if your useing firefox grab yourself a copy off no script and check the scripts you find (shift&click will give you info on them,it that easy)


    Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications that enables malicious attackers to inject client-side script into web pages viewed by other users. An exploited cross-site scripting vulnerability can be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. Cross-site scripting carried out on websites were roughly 80% of all security vulnerabilities documented by Symantec as of 2007.[1] Their impact may range from a petty nuisance to a significant security risk, depending on the sensitivity of the data handled by the vulnerable site, and the nature of any security mitigations implemented by the site's owner.

    take care and all the best.

  9. whos behind virgin medias firewall,ie who made or maintains this product?

    looking at the the av/anti spyware its kaspersky.

    ive looked around and most off what i find is on pages i wouldnt visit.

    so here i am.

    not looking to install the software as imo i wouldnt trust it to to keep my "doors locked" not the firewall anyway.

    still i might be perciving this wrong and it might be better than i think.

    anyone know whos behind there firewall or have any consutrictive comments on the rest off there software?

  10. better privacy should be taking care off them for you and you shouldnt need to be manually removing them.

    without knowing how youve set up better privcay i can only think youve not set it to do so.

    or have the wrong path selected.

    there are various options that you can set for b/privacy so it takes care off them for you.

    and they need bother you no more.

    ive set mine up so there deleted on firefox exit,on appication start,by timer (1 sec) also delete flashplayer default cookie,on cookie deliton also delte empty cookie folders.

    ive also set delte dom storage file and not alowed ping tracking. the latter being my choice and not relevent to the removal off the lso cookies.

    i dont use "Ghostery and Track Me Not" mabye ther clashing not sure as i havent looked at there setings.

    i do know better privacy should be ridding you off thease files.

    unless as said there a clash i dont know off.

  11. firstly thanks exile.

    and yes its the HostsMan file.

    i did think that it wasnt related and was going to contact steven as ive tried regging at the hosts man forum but cant seem to do so.i did try a lot to reg there and also e.mailed them but never got a reply,not sure why.guess i will try again,if that doesnt work out i guess i should try contacing steven however i dont really want to bother him,still if all else fails i will see if he can help,thanks for you time exile.

  12. since this was added to the hm hosts file;

    ::1 localhost # IPv6

    i keep finding errors when i update.

    is this entry legit?

    sorry i should off posted the errors found,i thought it might just be a beta thing and kept letting it fix the errors,there was 3,now down to 2 errors.however its a perstiant (sp) prob so now i am very sightly concered.i have goggled it and understand why it might be there but not why i am finding errors.

    the error is a duplicate localhost enrty,on the next update i will post it.

    till then can anyone awaser the above q?

    thanks for anyones time.

  13. i figured out why i got the padlock icon btw in case your intrested.

    seems that if i choose the ssl option i get the go daddy padlock,ohh i feel unwell,hope that makes sense.

    not posting no more tonight,not while i feel like this.

  14. glad to hear your comps running smother,i guess spy doc is bloatware (ram hungry) bit like webroot in that sense,witch i used to use as soon as i ditched that i had a much faster comp.

    your friends comp may have more ram/memory that your laptop,hence why it might run smother than it does on yours.or a simple differance in the software you have allready installed,i "guess" it was making a mess because it was useing to much of your comps resorses.

    spy doc is not really rouge in its self,it just borders on being so,and its affilates leave a lot to be disired (sp).

    read that link if you havent and it will become clear as to what i ment about its affilates.

    deff would have no gripes about swagers suggestions for free software.good choice.

    and i belive swager knows more than i do.

    happy surfing.

  15. spyware doctor;almost rouge imo,its affiliates certainly are.

    http://siri-urz.blogspot.com/2009/10/secur...fake-rogue.html (scroll down the page)

    wouldnt let spydoc anywhere near my comp.

    aloug. its not rouge its self they deff have dubious ways of practice.

    as for the bulldog refferance;

    i guess noknojon ment exile will keep on it till your systems running good and proper.

    anyways i`m outa hear you need advice not more confusion.

    best to your self.

  16. can anyone reach http://forums.spybot.info/

    i cant.and if i search for updates i get a stream read error

    i did harden no script settings,that shoudnt effect the update check thou.

    wondering if there is mantince going on or?

    as by all i can find out stream read relays to somthing being corrput.

    can someone else check if they can reach that page.and its not at my end.if it wasnt for the stream read i would think ok just down come back later.

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