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Posts posted by mbyuser

  1. hi

    the pages at malware bytes forums are not loading fully useing firefox.

    at first i thought this was down to high useage,as there where a few pps online.

    howevever trying a few times more later on its still happing.

    no other forums/sites are doing this,its only happing on this one.

    i tried useing I.E and the problem didnt occur its only when i use firefox it gets stuck.

    also the home page for malwarebytes isnt fully loading.

    sticks on transfererring data from malwarebytes.org...

    seems like there a conflict between no script (witch i updated last night) and for some reason this forum/site.

    went throught my add ons ect disabling each and if i disable no script they load.

    i have let all scripts on this page run but it still persists unless i totally disable no script.

    i take it this is a error on there behalf,however why only this forum/site bemuses me.


  2. re-read my post i hope i didnt come over blunt/rude firefox.

    i dont own the place they just put up with me here.

    i did find a old post with the same probs (another forum) they encounted the same pop ups after downloading a game vai bit torrent.

    and removed a lot off nasties,with various,does sound like somthing has made it way onto your system.anyways as said time to move this one to the hijack forums.

    best wishes.

  3. ive been looking around a fair bit,this code is a very common one with vista.

    just what updates are failing depends on the "fix it" soliution offered.

    I.E without knowing what pitcular updates are failing,i cant say much that will help.

    if some failed thou there should be red crosses not green lights.

    you allready have a link if there crital updates.thou.

  4. can you give more info.it will help anyone whos helping you.

    failed windows updates is not a lot to go on.

    go here http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdat...t.aspx?ln=en-us

    then if you look to the right,you will see a box with clickable options.

    one being review update history.

    there you will find a list off failed or succeeded updates.

    narrowing down witch ones are failing will help.

    you might have the a copy of the update logs in your local temp files read them yourself if you wish.(dont post them unless asked) it may help you figure out why yourself otherwise at least say witch updates are failing & witch OS your useing.

  5. i used outpost once but that was outpost pro (6 mth freebie),it wasnt easy to setup,i has to guess at what to allow and what not to,sounds like pro is very differnt to the free one.also that was over a yr ago,changes do happen.i do think its a soild line off protection thou from all i`ve hread.

    what i do find strange its trend/kaspery/macfee are being called pups by spybot.

    i do wonder if its there calling them pups because off differences between spybot (search&destroy) and said vendors? i havent used any off the above bar macfee years ago,witch i didnt like,maily becuse the updates caused problems,witch allways ment i had to re-install,they may well have fixed that,unsure.i cant tell without reading the EULA if the others are really pups,or just differnances as said.

  6. confusing.it does look that they have changed it from a add on to a plug in.

    it was called the click once or somthing along them lines.

    i read Jacktivity`s post wrong,didnt grasp what was ment;was tired.

    imo not best idea to post when i`m tired.

    so is this plug in usefull to me in anyway or is it simply just usefull to ms?

    sneaky the way the way its now changed,leaves me wondering if disabling its a good idea now or not?

  7. its was a add on (tools,add ons,extensions) not a plug in,thats ms has removed from firefox.

    its no longer in my add ons,i do have that plug in you mention.

    i dont have the old add on ms added to firefox.

    i hope i made more sense there,i should look harder for that old post (cant rem who started it but i did post in it,so i should find it)

    (think we are both saying we no longer have it,unless i read it wrong)

  8. i cant rem the name off the add on that ms sneakly added to firefox,but after a new format its no longer installed.

    anyone know the name off that add on and/or why its no longer being added?

    i had it disabled anyway,many where thinking off removing it.

    (theres a post somewhere about that add on but i can find it and ive have tried.)

  9. the .NET framework can be a royal pian in the ass if you remove it,and later find you need it.

    i had many troubles with this,i couldnt even get the clean up to fix it.

    it wasnt until they released there .net family update i finaly got the thing to work again.

    after trying almost ever fix it soliution out there.

    be sure you dont need this before removing it.

    i had so many troubles with it.this the only reason i post is becuse of the problems it caused me.i am half mined to think they might have released that update because many folks were compliang the couldnt get it to work.

    mainly after removing reg entries linked to the the .NET framework.

    i just re-formatted and ive all the versions you`ve listed btw.

  10. i also rem kerio,i still have it on a disc free from a mag when i used to buy them.

    about za thou,there auto update feture is more than anoying,you can no longer choose to maualy check for udates,if you do it still atuo checks and even then it doesnt allways do that right.

    they said it was a security feture,i made a point off posting that za`s (free) firewall doesnt update on every reboot and it was anoying you couldnt turn this feture off,i was polite and made no remarks out off bounds,my post was to the point and not off track,i cant rem the full post in detail simply put i did point out this wasnt the greatest feture implemented in za.the post was delted,my only thoughts as to why was as it contridicted there reasons.

    i never went back to cause troble,just noted that za`s free forum doesnt like being challenged.that post was made ages back and there program hasnt been updated since.

    windows firewal only blocks incomming attacks and imo isnt a good firewall.

    kav i`ve yet to try.i like nod32 its light and doesnt need much messing with.

    however thats just a preferance,not a recomodation,sure it may not be the best in the world nor everyone`s choice.still its mine so i post it.

    about za calling out i found this; lockup.zonelabs.com wonder if thats a good idea?

  11. off the topic slighly;

    finding WOT pretty useless nowadays.

    the ratings are wild.

    sites that arent safe are getting good ratings,seems like pps are just throwing out ratings because they like the site and for no other reason.

    found a heapfull are blocked by my hosts file;that are well rated.

    i thought it was a good idea at first and for a while it was,now i am not so sure.

  12. hi mystery.











    i think there rouge sites imo,and i can set spybot to ignore this.however i am obviously not 100% as to why their being flagged thou. or i wouldnt ask.

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