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Posts posted by mbyuser

  1. oh toshbia laptos


    seems like the program doesnt dectet the hdd.

    running the program the hdd doesnt show up,trobleshooting says the program is incompatible.

    i searched around to find if it was because the programs 32 bit and they offered a x64 versin,to no avail.

    looking around i found posts saying other fitness tests doest dectect the hdd either on a toshiba laptop.


    the only thing i found was this however runing it without advise ( following what info supplied & running another tool instead doest seem a good idea) 

    esp as i dont know if its even the right tool " It is only designed for use with Fujitsu Branded Toshiba ATA/IDE hard drives." ive no idea if my system is such.




    only posted the link to save your time looking for somthing that will work,as i seem to be taking up a lot off your time.



  2. hi again,thanks for the swift replys.


    the laptops brand new and i havent touched the partitions ect.


    i downloaded and insalled the toshiba uititly however when went to run it up poped this program has known compabilty issues,then gave me the option to check for solutions or run anyway. checking i got the message the tool isnt compatible with windows 8.1

    i didnt run the program as i thought it best to ask if to pick the run anyway option ?


    adding all info; the only bad thing i did was to run aft cleaner being away from windows since xp i didnt expect it to cause any problems.

    however it broke malwarebytes and removed all windows store apps.


    i unstalled/reinstalled malwarebytes so the log may not contain the pup info/ alought as said i dout it has anything to do with the subject,just thought it best to add that so all adds up. (thanks for the correcting the deffinition david)





    thanks again for your freely givin time to this subject.


    edited to fix typos.

  3. hi.


    i recently brought a toshiba laptop (satellite 50-B) as i was going away and i let the shop set it up due to time constraints,only mention this as it came back to me with pre installed malware identfied as conduit. bascily it was a browser hijack witch i let malwarebytes remove then reset I.e to defaults and unlinked the hijack. i very much dout this has any relevence to the drive error still adding the info cant hurt.


    the problem with the drive is in safe mode,if i run a disk check in normal mode i recive no errors. .


    in safe mode running the same disk check tells me the drive needs to be repaired.

    looking at the logs in safe mode didnt help as the log didnt get written,on restart from safe mode back normal mode i got a error the log couldnt be written (not 100% what the full error is sure as it flashes to quicly) and tbh i coulnt find that error log.


    i did phone the pc world the company sold me the laptop however pretty sure i got fobbed off as the the tech guy said it wasnt a problem as you usally use noramal mde not safe mode.


    how serious a problem is this and can i repair the drive myself from the supplied recovery flash drive,if not and the problem is serious and needs attention i am unsure if its too late to take it back to the shop or send it off to toshiba,the laptop was brought feb 2015


    there are two more problems i could do with help with ones a currpted media player libary & the others bluestacks,however dealing with one at a time mabye less confusing esp if the laptop has to replaced.


    thanks for anyones time and help.

  4. alou my setup might be different ive wiped all you listed many a time and not broke anything.

    i do run a disk check before and after running cc

    you may have a few mb tied up in the thumbnails cache its usefull to keep these for quick access,however there not important.

    you may find this usefull;



    if you run windows 7 i am sure the thumbnails are listed in the disk clean up section,not sure there are with vista and deff not in xp.

  5. i have allready done that exlie;a long time ago (nice to see you again btw)

    it doesnt replace the "instant search" thats built into firefox by default.

    its when i select a new tab useing;right click on file,right click on new tab,the "instant search" starts with google,i know i can use the smaller box to search with any search engine i desire,its the main search bar i am wishing to change from useing googles "instant search" thats built into firefox by default.

    i have read up on it,again as i wanted to do this many a year ago,at that time to no avail,however ive now found i can do this with about:config,alou atm i only know how to dissable it the "instant search" and not change the value to what i wish it to be.

  6. atm if i open a new tab in firefox the seach starts atutomaticly with google.

    i know i can get around this by useing a bookmarked search engine,however i would like to change firefox,so if i open a new tab by right clicking on the file section and opeing a new tab from there,the search starts with scroogle or another seach engine of my chioce.

    i know i would have to be carefulll however,i am sure if i understand correctly what i have read up on,i can change this useing about:config.

    can someone help me with clear instructions on how do this correctly as i know its not somthing i should do wiily nilly as to speak.

    i dont mind a private messsage on how to go about this,as i know about:config is not to be messed with foolishly.( i have used about:config before and understand anything i do is at my own risk)


  7. i used to be able to use quick time to play mp4 downloads nowadays it just green screens.

    ive hunted around and others are saying the same.

    atm i am either useing videolan or converting them to wmp and playing them that way.

    does quick time no longer support mp4 downloads?

    not that i am the biggest quick time fan,just wondering why i can no longer get mp4, mp3 files ect to play with quick time,it does work with .mov files thou.

    i thought it might be me blocking somthing however ive gone throu that list to no avail.

  8. hi,my son brought over his laptop.

    its really badly infected with trojans,backdoor bots and other malware.

    his firewalls been hijacked & the anti v dissabled ( looks like they corrupted the data base) and the system settings changed.

    i found added malware with malwarebytes pointing to zone alarm and some start up items added to zone alarm witch was malware some i coundnt remove however i did disable some malware via safe mode manualy.

    his malwarebytes version is out off date and going online to update atm imo wouldnt be a good idea.

    windows defender has been telling him he had one trojan and some roming app witch was defined as undesirable so hes downloaded all sorts off stuff some bad some ok anti v apps all disabled thou.

    my plan off action was;

    to put malwarebytes on a usb stick,can i get the latest deffs and malwarebytes on a usb? to remove as much as i can.

    i also wish to remove his anti v witch is clam and his firewall witch is zone alarm however i will need the right apps to do this.

    again can i download the nessecery apps to a usb to do this?

    then i was going use my lan conx to download eset all in one,put hosts man,secunia psi,malwarebytes pro and set them up so things like this cant happen again,then post the nesecery logs here,

    can you advise about this method?

    i know theres more for sure looking at the start up menu however this laptop being wifi/windows 7 and me knowing only lan/xp i am a bit out off my knollage deapth so willy nilly removing this and that imo is a bad idea so atm ive left some stuff on there i am sure i should remove.

    one real important thing how do i stop his wifi conx conecting to any ond unscere network as its set to auto conect and i am not sure how to disable this on a wifi set up can you advise?


  9. sorry i thought i had worked this out,alou i must admit it wasnt fully worked out and was bugging me,i expected to get wraped knuckles for wasting time & only looked at this post expecting a telling off.

    alou the non posted log has me a bit confused as one of the side by side componets doesnt match and the with the posted log not all looks right.alough its out off my knollage range atm.

    today i ran the ip test hxxp://iptest.malwarebytes.org/

    i was able to reach that page useing both firefox and internt explorer.

    also i see no ip blocks within the protection log alou it says its turned on and i have set the exclusion C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\*.* within nod32 in the anti v & spware proctection section (i have nod32 anti v & firewall)

    somtimes i see this; (null) ERROR Scheduled update failed: Host not found failed with error code 11001

    rather than; (user name) ERROR Scheduled update failed: Host not found failed with error code 11001

    i found this log; MBAM_ERROR_NOT_REGISTERED (0, 0) i started the trail while offline if that is why this happened. i wish to buy the product as i finally have the money however i dont want to enter any details till i get the go ahead that my system is ok.

    mbam-log-2011-06-20 (12-44-10).txt


  10. thanks,i was looking under the wrong section within the advanced setup.

    slighly differnt layout as ive the all in one est however i got the grasp.

    btw if you have the time;is it a nessacerity to set this exclusion?

    also if you dont mind awansering;why you have est it self set in that section?

    thanks again for your time and help.

  11. i searched with all my might before asking this.

    i see no exclusions for nod&malwarebytes listed in the help forums.

    it seems like i cant set them either as opening this section gives a pre set to allow and malwarebytes isnt listed.

    i only query this as i see no bocked ip# witch i would expect to see,my only resoning behind this is nod is taking care off this and malwarebytes is working fine and i dont have to set any exclusions?

    thanks esp as its another setup q :dumb:

  12. today i ran autoruns again,been a long time since i did and last time nothing showed up under image hijacks,however now this shows up;

    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\Autorun

    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\Autorun







    could you offer some advise,thanks.

    EDIT;sorry to waste time,i think ive figured out whats what.deff sorry this wasnt posted in the fasion if you think your infected style it should off been.

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