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GUI bug

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I don't know whether or not what I'm going to mention is a GUI bug, or if it's called differently. It only happens in the context of a standard user. It doesn't happen when MBAM is started with administrative rights.

Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit;

In the Quarantine tab, there are two Vendor columns. The second column should be "Date". That's what appears when I start MBAM with administrative rights.


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Well the program does work differently between a limited user and an Administrative account.

Can you please post screen shots of what issue you're having so that we can attempt to assist you.

Thank you


Apparently, everything is fine.

What happened was that, when I switched languages, MBAM didn't properly apply it, making 2 "Vendor" columns appear in the "Quarantine" tab. Reopening MBAM fixes that.

Sorry for the false alarm.

Thank you

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