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Date/Time Stamp


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How about including the Time with the Date in the info, in as much as Pro auto update has multiples within a 24 hour period.

This is something I would like to see implemented and I've already suggested it to the developers some time ago, however, I don't know if or when it will make it into the product.

Also, put logs in most recent 1st. Getting tired of scrolling to bottom !

You can click on the Item header in the logs list to sort them:


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This is something I would like to see implemented and I've already suggested it to the developers some time ago, however, I don't know if or when it will make it into the product.

You can click on the Item header in the logs list to sort them:


Logs: yes, you can click on "item" to sort, but it is in ascending not descending order. I could delete all logs, i guess, but i read somewhere in forums to keep logs.

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