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Anything on the drawing board?

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First of, thanks for this magnificent application, I still can't understand how you manage keep your detection rate so near 100% all the time.

But now I am a little bit curious. Is there something new cooking in tour pot? A new version with bug fixes or even with new features? Whit this detection MBAM is not actually lacking anything but still any news?

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Hello and :welcome:

Yes it is amazing how Malwarebytes keeps the detection rates very high. A lot of it has to do with the research team and our own members that provide samples to stay ahead of the malware writers, it is an never ending battle. The research teams seem to work around the clock and with the number of updates that come out they seem to stay ahead.

As for news and things in the works, they usually make all those announcements in the news section Right HERE and also on Facebook. I am not on the staff, but I know they do have new things in store, for us, including Malwarebytes Enterprise Edition (MEE) for the corporate users.

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