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I have a Windows server 2003 that is running exchange 2003. Malwarebytes is constantly blocking access to potentially malicious websites. I've ran a AVG 2011 pro scan and a full malwarebytes pro scan on the server and it came up clean. I think that maybe there is still virus or spam on my server but AVG and Malwarebytes couldn't find it. Any ideas what's going on here.


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Welcome to MBAM, kingkongtech:

EDIT: OOPS! Sorry - please disregard; it seems 1PW's post beat mine to the board. :)

Sorry you are infected.

Until someone from MBAM arrives....

It sounds as if you are in a business environment?

Are you running MBAM PRO consumer licenses on these machines?

If so, that is unfortunately a violation of the EULA.

Consumer licenses for MBAM PRO are only for home users.

If you are a reseller, affiliate, technician, corporate, business, educational, government or non-profit customer then please contact corporate-support@malwarebytes.org or here.

They will help you to convert your licenses to the corporate licenses, and they can assist you with malware removal (as we cannot work on malware removal in this particular sub-forum).

If you already have corporate licenses for the machine(s) in question, then please contact corporate support and provide them with your full contact details, along with your Reference # when you do, in order to ensure that you receive prompt assistance. They will provide expert, one-on-one help with resolving your infection issues.


As far as the IP blocking, IP blocking can occur as a result of certain legitimate programs such as Sype, and it can happen when MBAM is doing its job by preventing bad content from websites from infecting your computer.

But it can also be the result of infection on your system.

Please have a look at the FAQ - Section G for information about the IP blocking module.



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