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Flash Scan

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Greetings :)

It is generally a good idea to run a Quick Scan at least once a week to check your system for infections. The Flash Scan just runs an extremely brief check to look for any running infections that may have been added to the database since the last update (which is why we have the option in the Update scheduler for it to run after successful updates). If a Flash Scan detects anything, it is recommended that you follow up with a Quick Scan to make certain that there isn't anything else on the system that was not detected by the Flash Scan.

I hope that clears things up a bit for you.

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Greetings :)

It is generally a good idea to run a Quick Scan at least once a week to check your system for infections. The Flash Scan just runs an extremely brief check to look for any running infections that may have been added to the database since the last update (which is why we have the option in the Update scheduler for it to run after successful updates). If a Flash Scan detects anything, it is recommended that you follow up with a Quick Scan to make certain that there isn't anything else on the system that was not detected by the Flash Scan.

I hope that clears things up a bit for you.

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