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automation parameters

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Hi, reading through the help fie its unclear if there is

1) a way to automatically enable auto protect after installation

2) a way to supress logs

3) a way to update program as well as definitions silently without prompts

can anyone post what our command line paramaters would look like to silently perform the following: supress errrors and all prompts, install mbam pro, register, clear proxy, update program and definitions, scan and quarnatine, suppress logs at end, schedule scan at X daily, enable auto protect, and close mbam at end of scan (the user's next boot will remove items needing a reboot).

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  • Root Admin

Hello Jeff,

Your questions indicates that you represent some type of business. Please send contact Corporate Support and provide your Cleverbridge order reference number and we'll very happy to assist you with deploying the product.

The public forum is mainly geared for supporting consumers and their issues. As a business you have direct access to Corporate Support for any type of issues.

Thank you.

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