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Bios flash

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I'm looking for a Bios update for a Dell Dimension 8200, the current Bios is A09 and by the looks of it so far it looks like that was the last one made available by Dell for the 8200 series. Am I missing it somewhere :huh:

I can't find a reset to defaults option in the current Bios so if I flash it with the same Bios currently installed will it reset the defaults. Messing with the bios scares the hell out of me :unsure:

Dell Dimension 8200

service tag FJMC321

no OS currently installed I'm planning on reinstalling Linux on it

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yep ... flashing the bios is always risky .

however , things are much better than in the days of yore and olde .

some of the other OFs (old farts) here may have a story or two to tell . :blink::wacko::angry:<_<

(cue : pink floyd ; another brick in the wall)

i treat the bios like an outhouse ... only go there when you absolutely need to . :lol:

also : if it aint broke , don't fix it .

if you go in and change one or two things at a time (keeping note of the original settings) you should not have any major brick action happen .

usually the bios in most "consumer" machines is idiot-proofed .

with some machines you have to enter a code or do something like stand on your head while whistling the star spangled banner to get to the "second level" items in the bios .

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