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Question about MBAM

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Is it an anti virus? Meaning if you run MBAM pro with the guard, do you NEED to run another Anti Virus like Avast or AVG?

Or does it do the same job?

I remember years ago when I got a vundoo Trojan that's when I first founds MBAM, and its the only thing that not only detected it but fixed it.

I had AVG at the time and apparently AVG didn't mind having vundoo Trojan on board.

I use comodo firewall but comodo anti virus is way to laggy and has issues.

The only one I can find now that isn't a resource hog is MBAM.

But is it an Anti Virus?


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Hello InternetSucks: :welcome:

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (MBAM) is not an anti-virus application. It is to be used in combination with a quality anti-virus application.

HTH :)

Hi thanks for your reply.

However currently I do not think such a thing exists as a quality anti-virus program.

Especially for older pc's with single core cpu's and slow ram.

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Hello InternetSucks:

Perhaps to the contrary, one of my test systems runs on a very old Pentium 3 and has Avira AntiVir Personal & MBAM PRO. Great combination! Avira AntiVir Personal is an outstanding anti-virus application and well known amongst those who make their leaving protecting PC's.

HTH :)

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Hello InternetSucks:

Perhaps to the contrary, one of my test systems runs on a very old Pentium 3 and has Avira AntiVir Personal & MBAM PRO. Great combination! Avira AntiVir Personal is an outstanding anti-virus application and well known amongst those who make their leaving protecting PC's.

HTH :)

Well thanks for reply bro.

I just tried avira, it was going ok, until all of a sudden out of the blue, it started popping up alerts saying itself was a trojan, avcentre its own process, and firefox was a trojan, and then everything else it just kept alerting to a trojan, so I uninstalled it after 2 hours stolen from my life.

It went mental said everything was a trojan, and it was very annoying, way buggy..

I have had good experience with both avast and avg, however their recent upgrades of software have created some problems for older non SSE2 processors with slower ram.

Which millions of people still use and I only started on this mission when I was fixing a pc for someone, who has a celeron 2.5ghz 333 sdram, and it seems they would need to upgrade their hardware, but they don't WANT to.

They are not extreme gaming enthusiasts, they just want to browse the web perhaps watch some youtube and want protection.

And it seems for the older non SSE2 processors, the developers are excluding them.

Just like game developers exclude the older instruction sets.

Its getting annoying because those old pc's still work fine.

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