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False Positive for backdoor.ircbot


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This file is located in my WinDSX folder. It is part of a program that runs our badge/security software in our we use at our facility.

Virus Total Results

File name: DispMug3.exe

Submission date: 2011-07-20 12:39:15 (UTC)

Result: 0/ 43 (0.0%)

MD5 : 2ddb945c6ce62446dc05ae68b7707a48

SHA1 : f66ddfb3c9fde6a95447acab233b687c75fdad51

SHA256: 4d5c151f8e3f63a5ce34f5ae06f50b89055a406928498b20b030a04059bdad71

Malwarebytes version DB 7210


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