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Hi. I'm new to the forum. Thank you for creating and maintaining a place where questions can be asked and answered in a setting of shared experiences.


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Hello and :welcome:

I would have to agree with you this is a great place to hang out and learn as you go. There are a lot of sub-forums where you can just ask about anything you want and get an answer to. One thing though, please do not reply to topics in the sub-forum Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs as that forum is only for the Experts and Trusted Advisors to help with the clean up of infected computers.

Enjoy your stay.

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Thanks for the welcome Firefox. Thanks also for the head's-up regarding "please do not reply to topics;" Newbies are capable of the darnedest (expletive used informally as intensifier) behavior. I'll be careful. I have already availed myself of your on-line help links. Thanks again for taking the time to acknowledge my thread.,

Hello and :welcome:

I would have to agree with you this is a great place to hang out and learn as you go. There are a lot of sub-forums where you can just ask about anything you want and get an answer to. One thing though, please do not reply to topics in the sub-forum Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs as that forum is only for the Experts and Trusted Advisors to help with the clean up of infected computers.

Enjoy your stay.

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