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You guys ROCK!!

I was infected with Virtumonde for weeks. I tried Spyware Doctor and Spybot Search and Destroy. Those tools said they detected the problem but they were not removing it!

I wasn't ready to post a HJT log and go through a manual walk through on the Spybot forum - so I searched for Virtumonde removal tool and found your product. Downloaded it and ran it a few times back to back - and NO MORE Problems!!!

(I did have to go through and manual repair a few registry entries...but there were only a few!) :P

You're top notch in my book. I'm going to look into my money back guarantee from PC Tools and use the refund to purchase your Pro license.


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Good idea on returning PCTools and getting Malwarebytes'. You also won't have to pay renewal fees, the license for MBAM is lifetime. By the way, if you do ever need help with manual removal of malware that MBAM can't handle, just follow the instructions here:


and post your logs in a new topic here:


One of our experts here will walk you through getting cleaned up, and they'll collect samples of the malware to add to MBAM's detections to save others the hassle of a manual removal in the future.

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  • Staff

Always glad to hear the software worked as intended. Thanks for the good words.

Let us know if we can make any improvements in any areas. We strive to be the best we can.

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