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Virus 2009


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Well, your best bet (aside from having the pro version of Malwarebytes' installed with realtime protection enabled of course) would be to avoid file sharing programs, porn sites, myspace, facebook, forwarded emails, spam emails and of course beware of ads that seem too good to be true (like free xbox 360's or Wii's). Other than that, run a good antivirus and keep it up to date, update windows, remove old versions of Java, or don't even install Java if you don't really need it, keep flash player updated as well as Shockwave Player if you use it, and keep a good firewall and antispyware/antimalware program and keep them updated. That's about it. The biggest problem, particularly with this one is that they keep updating the infection to bypass most security software, so if you hit a new variant it's unlikely to get blocked unless you have security software with really good heuristics. Scary, I know, but awareness is the best defense.

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