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We have downloaded the Malwarbytes - trial version, we had come across a few issues while checking the applications for which require your assistance.

1. When ever a new update is released, related to console or scan engine we observed it asks for a re-install with a pop window. Is there any option available to execute the same in silent mode without asking via a pop-up window.

2. While I'm scanning my system via malwarebyte, when it detects any threats it prompt for restart. Is it necessary to restart or is there any other way to avoid restart? Is there any parameter available for scanning & removing the threats without being prompted?

We are planning to install malwarebytes on a few machines where we cannot have a user interaction to update the scan engine or user console system, we need to have a fix without asking a reboot.

Please reply... Thanks...

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This sound like you are performing these tasks in a business type environment and your question is better answered by corporate support....

As a licensed reseller, affiliate, corporate, non-profit or government user or tech shop, your current inquiry is eligible for Malwarebytes

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