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Editing ignore.dat

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I am running MBAM Pro I am told that the Ignore List is stored in the following location: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\ignore.dat.

I was hoping to edit the dat file from Notepad or the like, so I can manually add/remove folder directories as opposed to having to browse to them individually, but it doesn't display in plain text in any program I have tried using. I have read about users doing this previously; is this still possible in this version?


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Hello and :welcome:

As far as I know, that file is encrypted and you can and should not edit the file. I am not sure where you saw that the file could be edited, could you perhaps share where you found that info?

After looking again, I realize I misread the comments. They were discussing editing the Ignore List on one endpoint and copying the ignore.dat file to other locations, rather than having to edit multiple endpoints individually.

Thanks again.

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