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It seems that Bubba was staggering home through the woods early one Sunday morning after a night of hard partying when he happened upon a minister who was dunking a group of his flock in the lake. Bubba was mystifyed by what he saw and got in line.

When it came to Bubba's turn to be dunked the minister asked, "Are you ready to find Jesus?"

Bubba nodded, and the minister quickly bent him over backwards to dunk him for a second or two.

Upon raising Bubba out of the water the minister asked, "Have you found Jesus?"

"Nope," said Bubba as he shook his head.

The minister immediately put Bubba under again for a longer period, and when he raised him he asked, "Have you found Jesus now?"

Bubba sputtered a quick, "No." The minister put him under a third time, this time holding him down until Bubba was kicking and thrashing about in the water.

"For the love of God, young man, have you found Jesus yet?" yelled the minister after bringing him up the third time.

Bubba looked around himself a bit bewildered and asked, "Are you sure this is where he fell in???"

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